The souls of all mankind are (tangible; invisible; redeemable; eternal). Tangible means touchable – X
The bodies of people are (temporal; physical; corrupt; dying). All of these
With the foregoing question being true, it means there will be no human bodies in eternity – (true or false).
When we say that God is omnipotent and sovereign, we mean that (He is all-knowing; He is all-thinking; He is all-encompassing; can do whatever He chooses to do). Anything which is not contrary to His nature
If the Almighty wanted a ten ton boulder to hover in mid-air for eternity (He couldn’t do it; He could do it; He will have hundreds of such floating boulders hovering over the heads of the wicked; they will be imaginary).
If God wanted human bodies which are dying because of the curse of sin, to become eternal (He couldn’t do it; He could do it; He will have hundreds of boulders hovering over those eternal bodies; the whole idea is preposterous). He will do it
The bodies of people who died and were buried a hundred years ago one day will (live again; be raised from their graves; will stand before God for judgment; will come together whole once again). All of these
The bodies of people who were blown up in explosions during WWII will (live again; be raised from death; will stand before God for judgment; will become whole once again). All of these
The bodies of people who were eaten by wild animals; consumed by crematoriums, and incinerated by volcanos will (live again; be raised from death; will stand before God for judgment; will come together whole once again). All of these
The Sadducees of the Bible did not believe in (God; angels; resurrections; spirits). Last 3 – Acts 23:6-8
It could be that they didn’t believe that there would be a resurrection because (they were foolish; they denied the authority and omnipotence of Jehovah; they couldn’t find the word “resurrection” in their scriptures; they had corrupt teachers). All of these
The word “resurrection” is found (once, never, twenty, forty) times in the Old Testament. Never
The word “resurrection” is found (once, never, twenty, forty) times in the New Testament. Forty
Several of these refer to the resurrection of (the angels; Christ; God the Father; anti-Christ). Christ
So, the resurrection of the dead is not to be found in the Old Testament – (true or false). False
“And many of them that _________________ in the dust of the earth shall __________________, some to everlasting _____________, and some to shame and _____________________ contempt.” Dan 12:2
“I know that my ___________________ liveth, and that he shall _____________ at the ______________ day upon the earth. And though after my _____________ worms destroy this ______________, yet in my _________________ shall I see God.” Job 19:25-26
In the O.T. there was a dead person raised to life again in (Zilag; Ziph, Zaraphath: Zanoah). Zaraphath
In the O.T. there was a dead person raised to life again in (Shechem; Shunum; Shoco; Shinar) Shunum
The Sadducees were (blind; without excuse; wicked unbelievers; confused) when it came to resurrections.
The number of resurrections.
John 5:28-29 teaches that (all the dead; the righteous dead; some of the dead; the wicked dead) shall hear the voice of the Son of God. All, both of the wicked and the righteous
When they hear the voice of the Son, those people shall (jump with joy; come forth as zombies; come forth as living creatures; churn the soil under which they are buried). Come forth alive
Only those (who are dead; in graves; embalmed; with one ear opened) will arise. All the dead
Those who have been (lost at sea; burned alive; eaten by beasts; left unburied in the desert) will not be raised, because they won’t be in graves. All the dead will live again
This verse teaches that (all will be raised; there will be two resurrections; there will be one resurrection; there will be two end results from that resurrection). Doesn’t specifically say if there will be one or two
Paul told Felix, the governor, that he had “hope toward God, which they (the Jews) also allow, that there shall be a ________________________ of the ____________________, both of the ________________ and ___________________.” Acts 24:15
This means that there will be (a single resurrection with one result; a single resurrection with two results; two resurrections with one result; two resurrections with two results). Two resurrections
“And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the ____________ to no man, until the Son of man be risen again ____________________ the __________________.” Matthew 17:9
The Bible often speaks about Jesus resurrection from the dead which means that He (arose; arose from death; arose from bed and sleep; was separated from those who were dead and arose). From “among”
When Christ was resurrected, (there others raised as well; there were earthquakes; there were other dead who were left behind; the angels rejoiced). There were others still left in their graves
Luke 20:35 suggests that there will be people who (are resurrected; will be resurrected; will be taken from among the dead; transfigured). Not transfigured – resurrected
“Resurrection from the dead,” is the same language that is used about (Enoch; Elijah, Moses; Christ). Chr
“For as in Adam all ________________, even so in Christ shall all be made _______________. But every man in his own order: Christ the ___________________; afterward they that are _______________________ at his coming. Then cometh the ______________________.” I Cor 15:21-23
The first fruits of the resurrect is (Enoch; the son of the widow of Saraphath; Lazarus; Christ). Christ
At some specific point, prior to the end, but after the resurrection’s first fruits, (those who are Christ’s; all the dead; the anti-Christ; the wicked) shall be raised from death. Those who are Christ’s
Those will be people (whom God elect; the Holy Spirit regenerated; Christ saved; awaiting Christ’s return).
This scripture suggests that (everyone dies; not all the dead will be raised at that time; dead angels will be resurrected; there will be a specific order of resurrections). There is nothing about angels here
I Thess. 4:13-18 teaches (us to expect the return of Christ in our lifetimes; that all those who are dead will be resurrected; that those who are dead “in Christ” shall be raised from death when the righteous on earth are translated). The dead in Christ shall arise when the living saints shall be translated
The righteous dead shall be resurrected (before the Millennium; before the Great Tribulation; before the Tribulation; tomorrow). Hopefully tomorrow, but definitely all of the others
Revelation 20 speaks about God’s saints surrounding His throne before saying, “But the _______________ of the _________________ lived not again until the thousand years were ____________________.” Rev 20:5
The people described in this passage were (saved, lost; dead; sleeping). Dead, lost and “sleeping”
The words “the rest” suggest that (some were abed; they were napping; there were others). Others
These are the same people that we see in (verse 12; judgment; glory; trouble). Not glory
The dead of verse 12 are (present in spirit but not in body; present in body but not in spirit; alive; resurrected from the dead). Resurrected and alive
Some of them had been lost at sea, and some of them had lived centuries earlier, but they had all been (in death; in hell; in hades; in joy) until the day described in the text. Not joy
“And the sea gave up the _________________ which were in it; and _________________________ and ____________ delivered up the ________________ which were in them: and they were _____________ every man according to their works.” Rev. 20:13
It is (foolish; reasonable; scripturally logical; unreasonable) to read this scripture and picture these people as resurrected from death, because “_________________ and ___________________ were cast into the ______________________ of _________________. This is the second death.”
Comparing I Thess. 4:13-18 and Rev. 20:13-14, it is obvious that (there will be two separate resurrections; all of Adam’s children will be raised from the dead; there will be two different ends for the wicked and the righteous; two different theologians wrote those scriptures).
The wicked “shall go ____________ into everlasting __________________: but the ________________ into _____________________ eternal.” Matt 25:46
“Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which ________________ that are in the _______________ shall hear his voice, And shall _______________________ ___________________; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of _______________; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of _____________________________.” John 5:28-29
There will be (1, 2, 3, 4) resurrections for the children of Adam. Two
The people of one will end up in the Lake of Fire and the people of the other will end up in (glory, Heaven).