Dear Pastor and Brethren,
Spanish Outreach
Although we have lost the Jose Bautista family, we continue to reach some of the Latino community with our personal contact and gospel tracts. The following names are those persons with whom we have had contact during the month of February: Jose Bugarin, Carlos Espinosa, Gabriel Lopez, Jorge Cruz, and Alfonso Barrera. These men are in trouble with the law because of driving under the influence of alcohol, having no driver’s license, and no auto insurance just to name a few of the charges. Most of them have no prior legal offences and therefore at this time, immigration and custom enforcement officials are not detaining them. However, occasionally one of them is detained and taken for deportation. We have had several calls from Latinos asking us if Roxanne and I can help them. We refer them to an immigration attorney here in Stillwater who can help them. Some Latinos are really getting scared of being arrested and deported so maybe some of them will voluntarily self-deport.
Internal Mission Activity
Sister Connie Gaches is having a series of dental implants surgically placed in her mouth and has not been in services for several weeks. It takes time for her gums and mouth to heal after such surgery. She has had to eat baby food and has lost a lot of weight because of her inability to eat solid food. Additionally she has difficulty pronouncing her words because she has to adjust to her new teeth since she has been so long without teeth. Please remember her in prayer. Sister Kim Williams has undergone eye surgery to remove cataracts. She has been absent because she could not see well enough to drive without fear of having an accident. These activities narrow our attendance, but we remain faithful as the Lord gives us strength to serve Him.
I am still preaching on, “Understanding God’s Decree.” As of February 23rd, I have preached eleven messages on that subject and still have several messages to go to finish the series. Is. 46:10 is one of the verses I used to preach the immutability of God’s decree. It says:
“Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:” It is comforting to know that God’s people are in the sovereign will and omnipotent hands of the eternal God who changeth not.
By His grace and in loving gratitude,
Tim and Roxanne Parrow