Man’s Creation:
If given enough time (a billion years; a trillion years; a hundred trillion years) could man have evolved from an amoeba or a bit of protein? (No; yes; maybe; in some people’s dreams)
Has modern science, with all of its learning and technology, been able to create life from non-living things? (No; yes; maybe; in their dreams)
Has modern science been able to change some simple living thing, like an amoeba, into something more complex, like a dog, horse or human being? (No; yes, maybe, not yet but some are trying)
Do the differences between various human beings, such as size, strength or intellectual ability prove the existence of evolution?
What do those differences prove? (There are differences; God has a sense of humor; not much at all).
How did human beings come into existence? (Divine creation; divine intelligence and design, alien interference; evolution)
What came first (The Creation of man; the plan to create man; the creation of woman; sin) – Gen. 1:26?
To whom was God speaking in Genesis 1:26? (Angels, men, Satan, Himself)
Is there a difference between “image” and “likeness?” (No; yes, maybe, in your dreams)
“Image” refers to what? (Duplicate, outline, shadow, reverse and backwards)
“Likeness” refers to what? (Resemblance, similitude, difference, duplication)
How important is it that God made man in His image and likeness (Eph. 4:21-24; Col. 3:10; James 3:9; I Cor. 11:7)? (Somewhat important, not important, important, extremely important)
God is ________________; and they that ________________ him must ______________him in __________ and in _________________. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Does God have a body with hands, eyes, wings and feet?
What is it called when the Bible describes God with physical features like these? (Silly; accuracy; an accommodation, an anthropomorphism)
Which of the following religions teach that God has a body somewhat similar to ours? (Mormonism, Swedenborgianism, Catholicism; Baptism)
What word in Deut. 4:15 refutes the idea of a physical divine body, and yet which takes us back to Gen. 1:26? (Hands, feet, similitude, likeness)
If Eph. 4:23-24 describes man’s likeness to God what does it entail? (Holiness, righteousness, moral similitude, hands and feet)
If Col. 3:9-10 describes man’s likeness to God what does it entail? (Hands and feet, intellect and the ability to think; honesty; creative ability)
As we see in Matthew 4 the Son of God had the ability to say “no” to temptation. Did Adam have that same ability in Gen. 2? (No; yes, maybe; in your dreams)
On what level was the creation of humanity? (God’s afterthought; the penultimate of creation; the pinnacle of creation; one among many acts of creation)
Why might this promote some pride in us? (God likes us, God has high hopes for us; we are greater than the monkeys; we are eternal)
Why should this not leave us any room for pride? (We are smart; we are the penultimate of creation; we are created beings, we ought to be God’s servants)
The Fall of man.
Barring many of the details, is the doctrine of man’s fall (common or rare) in religion?
Why do you suppose that is true? (We all have the same God; the same Bible; the same history; the same nature)
Why is the Christian version of the fall, different from all others? (The holiness of God, the depth of man’s depravity; the extent of the fall; there is no difference)
Apart from the effects of salvation through Christ, where in the Bible is man depicted as perfect or upright? (Revelation 22; Romans 8; Genesis 2; Psalm 1)
Which of these scriptures does not refer to the fall (Gen. 3; Rom. 5:12-19; I Tim. 2:14; Gen. 6:5; Gen. 8:21; Psa. 14; Rom. 3:1-23).
Based upon you answer to the previous question is the doctrine of man’s fall important?
What is the purpose of the account in Gen. 3? (History of sin; history of Satan; an explanation for man’s condition; the first step towards salvation)
Which of the following is not one the ways that men interpret Gen. 3? (Allegorical, literal; mythical, symbolical)
How did Jesus Christ interpret Gen. 3? (Allegorically, literally; mythically, symbolically)
In which of the following scriptures does the New Testament contradict the idea of a literal interpretation of Genesis 2 & 3? (Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6; II Cor. 11:3; I Tim. 2:13-14)
God’s command about the fruit of the tree was (confusing; a divine suggestion; wishful thinking; clear and concise).
Was Eve coerced into the sin of eating the fruit? (No; yes; maybe; never)
Was Adam’s sin coerced? (No; kind of, maybe, in your dreams)
Who had fallen first into sin? (Adam, Eve, Satan, the serpent)
Adam’s sin was essentially (a denial of God’s authority; the elevation of his own will; giving in to Satan; giving in to his wife)
How was unbelief primarily displayed in Adam’s sin? (He distrusted God; he didn’t believe God would keep His promise; he didn’t trust God for salvation; he believe that the fruit would help him)
Who did Eve trust more (Adam, herself, Satan, God)?
Did Adam know what he was doing when he ate the fruit which Eve offered? (No; yes; maybe; never)
What was in Adam’s mind at the time? (Rebellion; Eve; God; hunger)
The Results of the Fall
Which was not one of the result of the fall? (Cursed ground – creation; painful child-bearing; exhausting physical labor; physical and spiritual death)
Were there any other results such as (joy, freedom, fear of God, steak dinners)?
How did Adam’s sin affect the sinfulness of others? (His sin weakened his descendants making them susceptible to sin; his sin taught us how to sin; his sin corrupted all his descendants; his sin made them all servants of Satan)
Did Adam’s sin destroy his descendants’ consciences? (No; yes; maybe; never)
What did Adam’s sin do to his descendants’ spiritual natures? (Quickened them; killed them; destroyed them; flattened them)
What is the meaning of the word “depravity”? (Moral corruption; sinfulness; wickedness; weakness)
When we speak of “total depravity” do we mean that someone is as bad as they could possibly be? (No; yes; maybe; never)
When we speak of “total depravity” we mean that (Corruption has touched every part of our being; sin has killed our souls; depravity is at its highest point; the world is collapsing)
Can man in his own strength deliver himself from the effects of the fall? (No; yes; maybe; in your dreams)
Is the Biblical doctrine of the fall important? (No, yes, maybe, never)
Have you ever seen yourself as fallen and depraved? (No, yes, maybe, never)
What is the only possible solution to the effects of the fall? (The grace of God; salvation through the sacrifice of Christ; the sacrifice of the Mass; baptism)