The majority of Christendom today believes that the salvation of sinners – depends on the WORK OF MAN.

Most people believe that it is up to the sinner to DO certain things in order to be saved from his sins.

He must join a church, or be baptized, or be obedient to the laws of God.

If he doesn’t meet the requirements of that particular sect, then the full weight of his sins will blast him into Hell when he dies.

This is EXACTLY what Paul had been fighting against in chapter 15, where one sect was teaching that “except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved.”

These are heresies and false doctrine, because they are contrary to the Biblical doctrine that salvation is by God’s grace alone.

If man causes or even contributes to his salvation, then he is claiming to be his own saviour.

But the Bible teaches that salvation from sin is totally by God’s sovereign grace.

It is enjoyed through faith, by people to whom the Lord grants repentance.

In addition to these people, another group within Christendom are the Evangelicals and Neo-Evangelicals.

These folk talk much about grace, but unfortunately they have misdefined it.

The majority of Evangelicals still believe that salvation is dependent upon the WORK OF MEN.

And their evangelism proves their misconception.

For example, they believe that it is the work of the evangelist to convince the sinner to leave his sins, to believe on Christ, and in some way to trust His grace.

So they search high and low for the right subjects, and then they coerce, argue, corner and convince these people to “ask Jesus into their hearts” or to pray “the sinner’s prayer.”

These people think that the eternal fate of the lost soul rests on the expert shoulders of the soul-winner.

In reality, the work of the BIBLICAL evangelist is to tell the sinner about Christ, and to leave the door open for the HOLY SPIRIT to prepare the heart of that sinner to receive repentance and faith.

There is a huge difference between these two approaches to evangelism.

One of the effects of this false evangelism is the idea that so long as sinners pray the sinner’s prayer, it doesn’t matter what the evangelist does to bring him to that point.

Not every soul-winner goes as far as the next, so I’m generalizing here:

But most believe that it is their responsibility to know every answer and to use any argument in order to convince that sinner to believe in Jesus.

They will make the fires of hell so hot that the sinner will perspire just thinking about them.

They will make the effects of sin so venomous that their target will feel the breath of the Death Angel on the back of his neck.

And they will argue that sinner into inescapable corners.

But I know of people who have gotten on their knees and repeated the evangelist’s words of prayer,

Just to get him out of their house.

They were no more saved from sin than a mad dog or a cobra snake.

“A man convinced against his will is of the same mind still.”

Another effect of this false understanding of evangelism is the unbiblical principle of ECUMENISM.

One famous evangelist often puts his arms around Roman Catholic bishops and says that they are brothers in Christ, in order to be given the opportunity to preach to their people.

I have heard of others who did the same thing with the Mormons.

I have newspaper clippings talking about a certain evangelist going backstage in Las Vegas among the naked dancers in order to witness to them.

I’m sure that he would justify is action by saying that it was necessary in order to give them the gospel.

“They won’t come out to my shows, so I’ll go to their shows.”

If that man was fully honest, he would have to say that he felt that it was NECESSARY for him TO SIN in order to win those other sinners to Christ.

I don’t know that it is ever true, but definitely in the area of evangelism: the end does not justify the means.

Satan once approached the Apostle Paul with a proposal for some ecumenical evangelism.

As we shall see, a woman who claimed to be possessed of the Spirit of Python – a demon –

Began following the missionaries around town and out to their prayer meeting,

Declaring that those men were servants of God and preaching the way of salvation.

Paul and the others were indeed the servants of God, and they were preaching the gospel.

But they refused the opportunity to link THEIR ministry with the ministry of Satan.

Let’s use this scripture today to study the subject of Demonic Evangelism.

First, there was the SERVANT OF SATAN.

I plan to return to the subject of this woman’s demon-possession this evening.

It’s too big a subject to focus on this morning,

So if that’s what pops your cork, then I invite you to return at 6:00 tonight.

This young lady is called a “damsel,” which is the Greek word for a “young, female bond-slave.”

It’s the same word that is used to describe Rhoda who opened the door to Peter at John Mark’s house when he was released from prison back in Acts chapter 12.

Somehow this young lady became the property of a group of men.

She was a “damsel possessed with a spirit of divination … which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying.”

She was a commodity to those men like a good horse to a farmer or an ox to a man who shipped freight.

Now, you might think that this is unbelievable or so barbaric that it belongs only in ancient history.

But the fact is that there are hundreds of thousands, and some say millions, of young women today who are treated little differently than this woman.

There are thousands of girls who are tricked or sold into prostitution and other forms of slavery every year.

And 10s of 1000s of them are right here in this country, doing some of most degrading things imaginable.

Slavery is not just a thing of the past.

It has always been, and will always be, a part of every sinful society,

And our modern American society is no different.

This particular bond-slave was said to possess the gift of soothsaying – fortune-telling.

She was possessed with the spirit of Python, a name connected to the Greek god Apollos.

In other words, this woman was demon-possessed; she was, and was used as, a servant of Satan.

And many of the foolish people of Philippi paid her handlers money to listen to her forecast their futures.

Apparently she was accurate enough, or close enough to the source of Satanic power, often to be right.

And her masters were getting rich exploiting her abilities – and her suffering.

I think that it is interesting to recognize that the Holy Spirit gave us the name of the servant girl in Acts 12,

But this girl was not named.

Perhaps it points out that those two girls were very, very different:

Rhoda’s name was given to us, because she was well-known among the early Christians.

I think that there is a very good likelihood that Rhoda was one God’s children.

This young lady, however, is not named, because she was a child and tool of the Devil.

There was no need to give us her name, because it is not found in the pages of the Lamb’s Book of Life.

In contrast to this servant of Satan, there were the SERVANTS OF THE MOST HIGH GOD.

What this demon-possessed woman said about the missionaries was absolutely right.

“These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.”

This scripture indicates that Paul and the other missionaries were going out to the place of prayer, the “proseuche” (pros-yoo-khay’), at least once a day.

In the early church there was no such thing as a MONTHLY men’s prayer meetings.

And they didn’t have WEEKLY, mid-week prayer meetings either.

Just as “Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the 9th hour,” it appears that many of the first Christians and the first churches had public prayer meetings EVERY DAY.

Unlike most modern Christians, the early church considered prayer as VERY IMPORTANT.

It wasn’t UNNECESSARY; it wasn’t OPTIONAL; it wasn’t EXPENDABLE.

Group prayer was an integral part of the work of the ministry; key to the success of that ministry.

And this woman saw what Paul and the others were doing every morning,

So she began intercepting them and stepping in behind them as they walked.

Soon she began shouting as loud as she could, “These men are the servants of the most high God.

These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.”

I have recently been reading again the history of Joseph, the son of Jacob.

What a fascinating story; what tragedy and what victory; what sin and what humble servitude.

Joseph was the man with the coat of many colors who was sold into Egyptian slavery by his own brothers.

From being a lowly houseboy, he eventually became the major-domo, the chief steward of the house of Potiphar, one of the most powerful men in Egypt.

But after some time he was cast into prison, unjustly accused of sexual assault.

And then eventually he moved up the ladder from being an uncommon criminal to being a SERVANT of other criminals.

Was that actually moving up?

How degrading, how humiliating, how terrible!

As Paul teaches us in Romans 6, a person can be measured by the master whom he serves.

“Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey;

Whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?”

Joseph was a servant to men on death row, but that was not all –

All during that time he considered himself to be a servant of Jehovah – and he was.

Even when he was promoted and became Prime Minister of Egypt he was no greater than he had been, because all along he had been a servant of the Lord.

Paul, Silas and the others in their party were SERVANTS of the Most High God.

It is the folly of Satan to want to “sit upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north.”

It is the folly Satan to dream about stealing the throne of God.

But that desire will end in total failure,

And Satan will spend eternity in the Lake which burns with fire and brimstone.

No one can ever be higher or even equal to Jehovah – the most high God.

And that means that, in some ways, the next highest position in all creation is to be His servant.

To say, “I serve at the pleasure of Jehovah” may be among the most blessed things that anyone might ever have the privilege of uttering.

I don’t think that this woman was trying to demean the missionaries by saying that they were servants of the most high God.

And I don’t think that they considered it demeaning to be His servants.

The relationship of demons to the Lord is a subject that I have studied but never fully understood.

When a man hates God, he often does everything that he can to spit in the Lord’s face,

But when the Satanic angels, the demons, come face to face with the Lord, they humbly bow and utter words of praise.

Perhaps it is because those demons know the Lord more intimately than sinful human beings do.

One day every human “knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.”

Yes, you will bow before Christ some day, whether you love Him or not.

That won’t make the wicked and the idol worshiper any less Satanic, or the children of Satan,

But in that day they will not be able to deny Who the Lord really is.

This demon-possessed woman, either wilfully or compulsively, confessed before all of Philippi

That Paul and Silas served the One True and Living God.

And I don’t see how that could be anything less than a confession that SHE served someone else.

Now here is an important lesson:

Let’s say that this young lady was as cute as a button, or as beautiful as a super model.

She was still a servant of Satan.

Let’s say that she was very young – 12, 13, 15 years old. She was still a servant of Satan.

Let’s say that she was innocent or naive when it came to most of the other “BIG sins” committed by men.

But she was still a child of the Devil.

There is nothing good that can be said about her, which undoes the fact she was a servant of sin & Satan.

Furthermore, unless YOU have been converted & been given a new heart, YOU TOO are a child of the Devil.

It doesn’t matter what your age might be, unless you have been born again, you are an enemy of God.

And it doesn’t matter whether your are DEMON-POSSESSED, or SIN-POSSESSED, or merely SELF-POSSESSED, you are in league with this woman and her master.

As the Lord Jesus told the nearly perfect Pharisee, Nicodemus, “Ye must be born again.”

The second thing that this poor woman said was that Paul was showing us THE WAY OF SALVATION.

And once again her testimony was absolutely true.

Paul was preaching the Lord Jesus Christ:

“Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.”

“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

In Christ “we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace.”

“For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God; not of works lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship crated in Christ Jesus.”

Paul ferociously fought against the idea that there is salvation from sin in any thing, or in any other person, but the Lord Jesus Christ and his gracious sacrifice on Calvary.

Isn’t it interesting that this damsel said that Paul preached the “WAY of salvation.”

Some heretics think that gives them the opportunity to say that the forgiveness is a road to be followed.

Some think that salvation from sin is a process or a plan.

But not only was that NOT what Paul was saying,

Because the Lord Jesus used the same Greek word in John 14:6:

“Jesus saith, I am THE WAY, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

There is no other way of salvation; there is no other way to God the Father, but through Jesus Christ.

Also, isn’t it interesting to notice that the woman said, “Paul is showing US the way of salvation.”

Just because a person is shown what the gospel contains; just because a person or a city is evangelized;

Just because a person attends church all his life, or is even a member of a gospel-preaching church;

These things don’t mean that person is a Christian and that he possesses salvation and eternal life.

This woman may have heard about salvation through Christ, but she was not at that point a Christian, nor does it mean that she ever will be.

Lastly, this morning, let’s consider THE EVIL SPIRIT’S EXPULSION.

For several days as Paul and Silas were walking out to their morning prayer meeting,

This young lady was making a scene by shouting,

“These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.”

What she was saying was absolutely true.

She was drawing the attention of lost and wicked Philippians to the truth of the gospel.

She was a walking billboard advertising the city-wide meeting of the great apostle and evangelist, Paul.

Most modern evangelists would be delighted with the free advertizing.

They would praise God for ordering this servant of Satan to serve their cause.

But Paul was GRIEVED.

What was it that so grieved this man? I can’t tell you definitively.

It might have been simply that this young woman was wicked and demon-possessed.

That sort of thing might have always grieved him, as it should us.

I’m sure that this must have been a part of the emotion that he felt.

Also, it might have grieved Paul that she was causing a scene and embarrassing him.

It might have grieved him that she was giving him honors, which he felt that he didn’t deserve.

Maybe he was grieved by the way she was being used and degraded.

Perhaps he was grieved because he understood the malignant design that she had against the Lord.

These might have grieved Paul, but the tone of the verse seems to say that it was the fact that a demon-filled, servant of Satan was professing to honor the Lord.

“The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.

And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.”

Paul was upset and disgusted with the idea of any form of ecumenical evangelism.

God doesn’t want, or need, the help of the minions of Satan in His great work of saving souls.

So “Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour.”

As we shall see more closely this evening, this demon was obligated to obey at the name of Christ.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is not any less divine than God the Father.

It was by the will of Christ that this now-fallen angel was first created, “for all things and all beings were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made.”

This demon knew who Jesus Christ was, and it knew who Paul was.

There is story in Acts 19 which I think is hilarious – in a dark sort of way.

In Ephesus there was a Jewish priest named Sceva, who had seven sons who considered themselves as exorcists.

On one occasion they tried casting out a demon through “Jesus whom Paul preacheth.”

“And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?

And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.”

Unlike the sons of Sceva, Paul had every right to use the name of Jesus,

Because for him, the name of Jesus was not just a nickname or cognomen.

For Paul the name of Jesus Christ was a reference to the authority of the Son of God.

He had been given the authority of Christ and he was an ambassador for the Lord.

“By the authority invested in my by your Creator and the King of Kings, I command you to come out of this woman.”

And that demon came out of her immediately.

Now, let me close with this:

Did that woman become a child of God through this?

There are scholars which say that she did.

And I sincerely hope that we will all be able to meet her in glory one of these days.

But to conclude that she was born again through her exorcism would be a tragic mistake.

That would be equivalent to saying that after six weeks in a detoxification center,

The heroin user became a child of God simply because he quit using drugs.

That would be like saying that the criminal became a Christian after he served his time in jail.

That would be like saying that the teenager was saved when his mom found and burned his Playboy magazines.

If this woman was saved because Paul commanded the demon to leave her,

Then that would make Paul co-Saviour with Christ Jesus.

That is Roman Catholic doctrine, but it is not Biblical doctrine.

Sinners are not saved when they give up certain sins, or even certain demons.

Sinners are saved by the grace of God when they repent of their sinfulness and trust the saving work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And at this point in Acts 16 we are not told that this lady was repentant or believing.

I sincerely hope that came later after she came to herself and sobered up so-to-speak.

But there is no proof or even a hint that this woman became a worshipper of Christ at that time.

And that should force us to reexamine our profession of salvation.

On what do you base your claim to eternal life?

Is it because you have quit some sin or inserted some sort of religious habit into your life?

Or is it because you love the Son of God, and that you trust the work that He did for you on Calvary?

Are you sorry for some wicked sin in your life, or have you repented before God that you are a thoroughly sinful sinner and in desperate need of saving grace?

An exorcism or a personal reformation is not the same thing as salvation.

Have YOU throughly repented of your sin?

Have YOU placed your love and trust; your life and your eternity on the Lord Jesus Christ?

What a horrible, terrible tragedy to say, “I was cleansed of a demon by the authority of Christ.”

And yet to die lost in your trespasses and sins.

Don’t let that happen: come to the cross; repent of your sin and trust your eternal soul to the Lord Jesus Christ