Dear Pastor and Brethren:
A Brief Summary of the Blessings of 2019
With the prospects of a new year before us, I think it would be profitable to see a summary of the Lord’s blessings during the old year. During 2019 the Lord sent us thirty first-time visitors to our services. We have tried to follow up on them with a visit as much as they have permitted us to do so. What I mean is that the visitors do not want to give us their full names nor their addresses so that we can visit with them. So we are as friendly as possible and talk to them after the services, inviting them to return, if they don’t run out just as soon as the preaching is over. Our services are not religious entertainment services but real services of true worship and Bible study. Perhaps that is the reason why none have stayed with us. However, they all have heard the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and have been invited to repent of their sin and come to the Savior.
Some of Our Activities During the Year
We enjoyed attending a hymn sing in January, a Bible Conference in April, and a fellowship lunch in November. Bro. Al had moved to Tulsa but returned to live in Stillwater in August. Bro. Gaches had an operation on his knee and has recovered. Sis. Gaches has had the shingles, but is slowly recuperating. Sis. Maginnis has been sick now for over six weeks. LaShonda Dale is doing well with her new job and has been coming more regularly with her boys.
On the negative side, we have lost Joe Ball and Desirae and her son, Deacon, as well as Phillip McGee. We were sad to see them go. Bro. Torres lost his wife due to her desire to divorce, but he brings his children to the majority of our services giving Roxanne the opportunity to teach them on Sundays when they come.
Some of Our Plans for the New Year
Lord willing, we plan to start a 6:30 Sunday evening service on January 19th. We are planning to put an emphasis on practical Christian living during these services that will supplement our more doctrinal preaching and teaching on Thursdays and Sundays. Please pray with us about these services, that the Lord might see fit to motivate people to attend them. I am sure that the practicality of the teaching will be a benefit to all who will attend.
By His grace and in loving gratitude,
Timothy and Roxanne Parrow