Dear Pastor and Brethren:
A Summary of 2017’s Activity
This report is to inform all of our supporting churches of some of the blessings of the Lord upon this work that you all support with your money and prayers. Although I report these activities on a monthly basis, it is good to see a resume of the year’s activity at a glance.
In 2017, the Lord has blessed us with 38 first-time visitors not counting visitors that came an additional time. Out of all of those visitors, we have one who has remained with us, Mrs. Billie Barzee. “Miss Billie,” as we call her, has brought her grandchildren to meet us once, and we appreciate her regular attendance to our services.
In our Latino outreach, we have worked with at least 28 Latino men, giving them Gospel literature to read and attempting to engage them in conversation about spiritual matters as the Lord grants us opportunity. This is not an easy matter now that there is more open political talk and activity against illegal aliens living and working in our country.
As to our outreach into the Stillwater community, we have a newspaper ad in the Stillwater NewsPress that comes out in the Friday paper. Additionally, we did a postcard mailing, in which several of our supporting churches helped financially, resulting in contacting approximately 9,125 homes in the southern half of the City of Stillwater. We also started a visitation program involving door-to-door contact with individuals living around the area of our church building. That program will be expanding its outreach when we finish the immediate area.
Finally, we had a work day involving the painting and cleaning of our church building.
We were assisted by three of the brethren of Bethel Baptist Church in Choctaw, Ok., Bro. Royce Smith, Pastor.
As to my personal preaching activity beyond our regular Sunday and Thursday evening preaching services, I preached in one revival meeting, in one Bible conference, in one worship service outside our own, and participated in one ordination service. These preaching opportunities involved travel to distant places and time away from our regular duties.
Over all, I believe the above information is due to the blessings of the Lord who has enabled me as your missionary to experience these activities. We thank you all for your generous giving and fervent prayers for this missionary effort. Please continue your prayers on our behalf that we might be able to reach more people and be involved in more activities for the honor and glory of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
By His grace and in loving gratitude,
Tim & Roxanne Parrow