Dear Pastor and Brethren:
More Visitors!
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred and Cheryl Smith responded to our invitation to eat supper with us on Thursday, Dec. 4th. Afterward they responded to our invitation to come to our Thursday evening Bible Study. The Smiths are from Ponca City, a town about 45 minutes north of Stillwater. They had been attending a Southern Baptist church up there but the coming of a new pastor and music director who is introducing CCM has discouraged them from attending. At that time I was preaching on the subject of man being created in the image of God and tracing that concept throughout the Old and New Testaments. In the course of the study, I touched on two doctrines that found “tender” areas in the Smith’s thinking, capital punishment and election. They didn’t agree with us on those two subjects. We even held an extended teaching time after the service was dismissed showing them from Ep.1: 1-6 the doctrine of election as it is portrayed in the Scriptures. Well, they went on their way and although we have seen them again, they will not come to our services, although I think Mr. Smith would come again if not for his wife’s objections. We continue to preach God’s Word. Men and women must conform to God’s Word if they desire to have God’s blessings upon them. Please remember the Smiths in prayer and our continued witness to them. They are elderly and know that some of the contemporary so-called “worship” systems are wrong. I’m not sure that they know why they are wrong. They heard a clear presentation of the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Latino Witness
The following men were either preached to in Spanish and or being bilingual heard a sermon and received a Bible and biblical literature in Spanish as the result of our jail ministry here in Stillwater. Wiliam Lopez, Moises Villapando, Calixto, Juan Morales, Miguel Angel Castillo, and Pablo Gonzalez. Please continue to pray that the Lord might bless this ministry among the Latinos here in Stillwater.
Personal Note
Thank you all for the birthday cards, and prayers in celebrating my 68th birthday! My sons, my daughter-in-law, and grandchildren came up to our house and helped us celebrate.
By His grace and in loving gratitude,
Tim and Roxanne Parrow
II Timothy 1:7