The Secret of Abiding Joy – Habakkuk 3:16-19

  Ha-BAK-kuk, the man with the crooked name, is one of the celebrities of Heaven; one of the friends of God. I will try to pronounce his name “Ha-BAK-uk,” because both my first Bible and my current Bible, give him that pronunciation. But I have to admit that my...

Pictures of Persistent Patience – James 5:7-11

I know that you ladies looked at this scripture last Saturday, but none of us men were there. I feel led of the Lord to share with the rest of us, what you all learned the other day. Some people like to say that Job is “a picture of patience.” Despite what our...

“You Weaklings,” He Said Kindly – John 16:12

There are hundreds of statements in the Word of God which were spoken to specific individuals or groups. For example, when Jesus said to His disciples, “Let’s go to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray,” it was not something which we must literally obey. We don’t have to...

A Spiritual Diagnosis – I Peter 2:1-5

After a busy day, when both Judy and I wearied and worn, we watched a recording of the pilot to a new TV show. The ads I had seen made it sound intriguing, but it turned out to be just another medical show. After an interesting beginning, the writers introduced an...

Carelessness: God’s Gift – Mark 4:35-41

Six months ago I brought message entitled: “The Victorious Transference of Peace.” Our texts were John 14:27 and John 16:33. The Lord Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you;, MY peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth I unto you. Let NOT your heart be troubled,...

Para-heroes – Hebrews 11:4-7

On this page beside verse 1 the publisher of my King James Bible has: “The Roll Call of the HEROES of Faith.” Probably, the publisher of your Bible has printed is something similar, perhaps at the top of the page. While it may be a common thought about this great...

Living in the Past – Ecclesiastes 7:10

I don’t get around very much. I married a wonderful wife 55 years ago, and am usually at home with her. Furthermore, I became your pastor nearly 35 years ago, and I don’t run around on you either. I don’t “window shop,” watching other women or other preachers. I don’t...

Love Unseen – I Peter 1:1-9

Every week, an Australian missionary friend of ours, Frank Tottingham, emails an article he has written. I think he sends them out on his Monday morning, but I get it on Sunday night. The one I received three days ago, led me toward these few thoughts this evening....

Incarnation, Regeneration and Correlation – Matthew 1:18-21

The title of our lesson this evening is: “Incarnation, Regeneration and Correlation.” In order to tie things together I have distributed a sheet of paper to the people here in our auditorium. Those of you who are watching on line, or are hearing this through...

New Testament Teaching the Old Testament Way – Acts 18:1-11

When Paul traveled from Athens to Corinth carrying the gospel, he went straight into the synagogue. He testified to the Jews that Jesus was the Messiah that Israel had been expecting for centuries. But the people rebelled against that truth and the Spirit’s conviction...

On Pleasing the Lord – I Thessalonians 4:1

This is a very strongly worded sentence. Paul says, “In addition to all that I have just written, I beseech you, and I exhort you… “I exhort you – not in my authority as an apostle, but in the Name of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ… “It is your duty,...

Six Wings of a Seraphim – Isaiah 6:1-3

The first temptation Satan ever laid before a human heart, has become his most persistent temptation. From day two up to this moment, Satan’s most common enticement to sin has been: “Yea, hath God said?” We have to fight against this in many different areas of our...

The Joy of the Most Serious – Hebrews 12:1-3

Paul refers here in verse 3 to something which plagues us all from time to time. When was the last time you became “wearied and faint in your mind?” If it hasn’t been recently, then you are a rare and blessed person. Most of us, from time to time, get emotionally...

Revelational Epistemology – Hebrews 1:1-2

I do a lot of my reading while exercising on an elliptical treadmill. I have a pencil in the machine’s cup holder and a little wire gizmo which keeps the pages of my book open. Whenever I see something which is worth remembering, I put a little pencil mark beside it...

How to Make a Fool of Yourself – Luke 24:13-31

The title of our little message for this evening is: “How to Make a Fool of Yourself.” This is a subject about which I am an expert, so I may have some insights you might be able to use. Our scripture is not unfamiliar. I think several preachers here over the last...