Returned with Interest – I Peter 2:21-25

My primary interest this morning is the last verse in this chapter. “For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.” You saints of God should live unto righteousness now that you have been brought to Christ – the...

The Canary of the Gospel – I Peter 2:21-24

Mining for gold, sliver and other important minerals and materials has always been a dangerous occupation. Through the years, thousands of miners have died in cave-ins, explosions, faulty equipment, the misuse of equipment and dozens of other causes. One danger they...

Trusting the Despicable – Numbers 21:4-9

  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 is one of the best known and most beloved verses in the Bible. It is familiar to people of every faith and...

Tonight’s Main Bout: Faith Versus Hope – Job 17:11-16

It seems to me that the Book of Job is becoming more and more applicable these days. By that I mean more and more people are finding their lives running parallel to this man named “Job.” For those who don’t know his history, Job was enjoying the greatest blessings of...

Back and Forth; In and Out – Romans 8:1

Before he became a supervisor, our son Kraig worked directly with various forms of nuclear waste. He was employed at the Hanford Nuclear site in Washington State and then at the Oakridge facility in Tennessee. Between those jobs, he was at the Savanna River Facility...

Marvelous Ophthalmolic Grace – I Peter 2:9 (John 9)

Peter, was probably on high alert as he walked beside the Lord Jesus that day. It was dangerous for Christ and His disciples to be in Jerusalem. Just a day or two before, Jesus had been confronted by a group of Pharisees, escorting a woman who had been taken in...

Inexpressible Hidden Wealth – I Peter 2:2-8

Let’s say you have been experiencing horrible pain behind your left eye, and now it seems to be in both. You finally relent and go to an ophthalmologist, where you receive a thorough examination. When finished, he tells you that you have a rare form of cancer. If you...

The Word, the Gospel and You – First Peter 1:25

We are surrounded by all kinds of news. For example, there is a great deal of seriously bad news – news about bad things. I heard an article on the BBC World News about China’s persecution of some of her own people. Thousands of Chinese citizens are being jailed,...

What was Your Birthing Experience? – First Peter 1:23-25

Peter’s reference to “being born again” is quite different from Jesus’ exhortation: “Ye MUST be born again.” Nicodemus, the man to whom the Saviour was speaking, needed to be regenerated; made spiritually alive. But the readers of Peter’s epistle are people who had...

Belief in God – First Peter 1:18-21

Do you believe in God? Do you really believe in God? I can ask that question in the context of a sermon, because no one has to take it personally. There are a lot of pitchfork Christians in churches. When the preacher lays something objectionable at their feet, they...

Vain Traditions – First Peter 1:18-19

In keeping with my Canadian blood, I feel like I owe you an apology, but as a Christian evangelist, I feel otherwise. I want to return to the subject of redemption this morning. Last week, in two messages, we looked at redemption through the “precious blood of Christ,...

What is Salvation to You? – I Peter 1:1-9

Some of you have heard me say that when I was eight-years-old, my family moved from Calgary, Alberta to Omaha, Nebraska. For a boy that age, it was a life changing event. As he was making his plans, my father, asked us whether we’d like to fly or take the train. I...

Prepositions of Protection – I Peter 1:1-5

The Lord Jesus gathered His disciples around Him and gave them some instructions about their ministry. He said, “What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. And fear not them which kill the body,...

The Best Bequest – First Peter 1:3-5

You can grow up in the same house, eat the same food and sleep in the same room… You can share the same baseball glove, and wear each other’s hand-me-downs… You can read the same books, listen to the same music and attend the same church… You...