How God was Man – I Timothy 3:16

Last Wednesday our lesson was entitled: “How God Became Man.” I tried to explain the incarnation of God’s Son as the child of Mary, the woman betrothed to Joseph. With more than a dozen scriptures I endeavored to show that “the LORD” became a man. Mary, then...

Life out of Death – Acts 17:1-3

Our text reminds us that it was Paul’s custom when he came to a community to go into the Jewish synagogue. When given the opportunity, he would open up the Old Testament to specific scriptures and read. Then he would prove through prophesy that the Jewish Messiah –...

Appealing the Court’s Decision  –  Mark 14:53-65

This begins a special week across most of Christendom.  But it might be debated whether it should be.  This is the season when many professing Christians spend time thinking about the crucifixion of Christ.  But I try my best to make you think about the cross...

On the Fifth Day God Created Vultures – Matthew 24:28

A few days ago, along with two of our church members, I spent a wonderful week in rural southeastern Oklahoma at a Bible conference. In going back and forth to the meetings, and taking a short drive through the rolling hills one afternoon, I was soaking up the...

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy – Ezekiel 36:16-28

When we first meet Ezekiel, he is beside the river Chebar in Babylon/Chaldea. Ezekiel had been born in Judah, but when King Jehoiachin was taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar, he was among the people who were carried away. When his ministry began, there were still a few...

The Library and the Book – Revelation 20:11-15

In my office there are four beautiful book shelves that Bro. Kjeldgaard made for me more than thirty years ago. Not counting their decorative tops, they give me about 100 feet of shelf space, and they are overflowing. Filling those shelves are between 2,500 and 3,000...

The Keystone – Acts 4:8-12

Our scripture is a part of Peter’s defense after healing the blind man at the Beautiful gate of the Temple. When he spoke of “the stone which was set at nought,” but which became the head of the corner… When Peter spoke of the stone that was rejected by the...

Our Ineradicable, Perdurable Saviour – Hebrews 13:8

Pray for me, and pray for yourselves, that we might grasp some of the profound lessons contained in our text. “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” I was thinking about this verse Wednesday, when I said the Lord hadn’t given me a subject for...

Spiritual Recovery – Revelation 5:6-10

I’d like to start this morning by trying to paint a picture. Despite being common, I hope it will never be true of you, even though I’m painting you into the foreground. Your car has quit. You have no savings. You can’t afford to buy another vehicle. Sadly, because of...

They Made Light of It – Matthew 22:1-14

I am approaching this morning’s sermon with a bit of trepidation – with a bit of concern. As always, I want to get it right and to give you the truth, but sometimes I have less confidence than usual. There are two reasons for my concern this morning: First, this is a...

Gospel of the New Year – I Corinthians 15:1-4

The word “new” is used 131 times in the Bible, from the first chapter in Exodus to the last chapter of Revelation. I took the time, last week, to look at all of those references, jotting down a page of notes. I discovered that the Bible makes no reference whatsoever...

The Last Day – John 7:37-38

Today is the 365th day of 2023; the last day of the year. In asking the Holy Spirit for a message, He laid on my heart the words, “in the last day…” “In the last day, the great day of the feast,” the Lord Jesus cried to the crowds in the temple, “If any man...

Hidden Messages of Christmas – Matthew 1:18-25

At this time of year, every year, we are inundated with cliches. They are on Christmas cards; on billboards and in songs; we hear people repeat them; they are ubiquitous. In addition to the common greetings, we see and hear such things as, “Put Christ back in...

The Lord’s Burden Bearers   – Matthew 11:28-30

This morning, I would like to tie together a New Testament scripture with something from the Old Testament.  As you have heard, the New Testament is illustrated in the Old Testament, and the Old is fulfilled in the New.  The pastor who preaches only from the first...

Our Three-fold Shepherd – John 10:7-18

Last week – thinking about the perfection of our salvation in Christ – I took our text from John 10. The Lord Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish…” Earlier in...