Jul 19, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Morning
I have been trying for weeks to put myself into Judas’ shoes, but it has been without much success. I have tried to reach a reasonable explanation for his betrayal of Christ, but I can only make guesses. And now we come to the aftermath of that betrayal and his return...
Jul 12, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Morning
I feel led of the Lord to postpone my promised message on suicide until next week. In the context and chronology of this scripture, I think that it is important to deal with another subject first. We touched on it last week, but sometimes a touch is not enough. Just...
Jul 5, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Morning
I want to return to a subject which I directly address, on average, about every four or five years. I want to speak to you about repentance – specifically Judas’ repentance, and what it should teach us. I am probably getting the cart before the horse today. But I...
Jun 28, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Morning
How can we prove to our unsaved friends that Bible Christianity true – that it is the only true faith? How can we prove to an unbeliever that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and God the Son? How can we convince someone that he is in desperate need of a Saviour?...
Jun 21, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Morning
Most of you will remember the judicial debacle of Orenthal James Simpson – the football star accused of murdering his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ronald Goldman. In 1995 it was being called “The Trial of the Century,” probably because of O.J....
Jun 8, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Morning
Our church believes and teaches the doctrine of the depravity of man. What I mean is that every member of human race has been corrupted by sin – thoroughly corrupted. Our hearts – all our hearts – are desperately wicked, as Jeremiah 17:9 tells us. This wickedness is...
May 31, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Morning
It is with deep emotion and utmost reverence that I approach this scripture with you this morning. As I have said several times, an expositional study, such as what we have been in for so long, forces me to address subjects which I might otherwise avoid. That might...
May 24, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Morning
There are no obvious homiletics in this verse. It doesn’t naturally divide into three rhyming points followed by a poem – although I’m sure that there probably was some Hebrew poetry involved. There isn’t a great sermon here, but it is so unique and special that I...
May 18, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Morning
How can different people read one passage of Scripture and reach drastically different interpretations? One explanation is that we all have a storehouse of information tucked away in our heads and hearts. As we are reading, the definitions that we have learned, and...
May 3, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Morning
This scripture leads us into a Biblical word study. It is not our usual Sunday morning fair, but I believe that I can bring it to an evangelistic conclusion. The word under consideration is “betrayal.” The Lord Jesus, during the Passover meal, told His...
Apr 26, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Morning
The church in Corinth had problems. I almost said that it had a, “unique set of problems,” but they were not unique to that church alone. It was a somewhat wealthy church; it was definitely a worldly church. Some of the members had problems with the...
Apr 19, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Morning
This event in Jesus’ life is recorded in Matthew, Mark and John – but not in Luke. John’s account is the most complete, even though we are still left with a lot of mystery. One interesting detail, missing from Matthew, is that the worshiping lady is Mary, sister of...
Apr 12, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Morning
All four of the gospels speak about the Sanhedrin’s meeting to discuss the fate of Christ Jesus. Ever since the raising of dead Lazarus, there had been an intense and growing excitement about Jesus. He had entered the city like a conquering king, with the adoration...
Apr 5, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Morning
I debated about having a message on the resurrection this morning, but decided that since we are just approaching the crucifixion in our study of Matthew, it might be like getting the cart before the horse. Undoubtedly, the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ was an...
Mar 29, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Morning
I have given this message the title: “The Parable of the Servants.” In all my favorite old Bibles (I don’t believe that I have ever thrown away one of my KJV Bibles) – In every single one of my Bibles, either at the top of the page or in the margin, the...