That Seamless Robe – John 19:13-24

We need to go back from time to time, to the place where Jesus gave His life to purchase our souls. Paul said to the Christians in Corinth, “Ye are BOUGHT with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” The price for the...

Pharaoh’s Phoolishness – Exodus 5:1-4

Both secular and Bible history tell us that the first Israelites spent time in an Egyptian prison. Their exodus or departure from Egypt – took place about 3,500 years ago. Even though hieroglyphics recount some of the material we have in the Bible – that event, so...

Setting the Stage – John 2:1-11

As gold is to fools gold, so is the Bible to all other books. While many books are helpful for one reason or another, only one is of infinite value – the revelation of God. A knowledge of the Bible means an acquaintance with the God of eternity. Having said that, we...

The LORD is Lord – Isaiah 43:8-13

“It is time.” The little boy is told by his mother that it is time for his bath. The little fella is not excited too about it, but he agrees to stop what he’s doing and head for the bathroom. The woman who is his servant – his mother – knows exactly what temperature...

Look and Live – Isaiah 45:20-26

As Brother Fulton reminded us last week, Christ and His Gospel can be found throughout the Old Testament. There are over three hundred prophecies Old Testament of Christ, some of which preceded their fulfilment by a 1000 years. And even the passages which aren’t as...

Something our Saviour Cannot Do – Isaiah 28:1-13

This scripture from Isaiah 28 is not particularly pleasant, but it is still relevant. It is directed toward a nation which once claimed to be God’s people, and which continued to make that claim in Isaiah’s day. And in that sense, it is a type of the United States,...

Why Me, Lord? – Luke 7:36-50

This morning I feel like Peter stepping out of a boat, in a boisterous storm, in order to walk toward Lord Jesus. This is dangerous, but blessed, territory. I may drown without the Lord’s protection. I’m leaving a place of safety entering into a storm, because,...

Time shall be No More – Revelation 10:1-6

Have you ever heard anyone say that in eternity – time shall be no more? Please turn to Revelation 22:1-7 with its picture of Heaven – “And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst...

Christ Jesus, the GOAT – Matthew 12:29-32

There is an acronym which has been flying around more frequently than I remember in the past. It was created sometime in the 90’s, so it has been with us for about thirty years. I am referring to “GOAT” which has come to represent the “Greatest of All Time.” A...

Prepare to Meet Thy God – Amos 4:12-13

Jim, one of our recent visitors, was telling me that in downtown Spokane, across the street from the main bus terminal, there is a street evangelist with a microphone. He isn’t permitted onto city property, but from a few yards away he shares the gospel with people...

Immunity from Prosecution – Titus 3:1-7

Looking at your phone one day, your news feed tells you there has been another gruesome murder. This time it isn’t far from where you live, or it occurred at a place where you once spent some time. So your interest is piqued, and over the next few weeks you follow the...

The Silence of the Christ – Mark 14:53-63

At the very beginning of His earthly ministry, the true identity of Jesus Christ was exposed by Satan. Jesus was born like any other child, and in many ways He had an ordinary childhood and young adulthood. At the age of 30, He came to John and requested baptism, at...

Essential Service – John 16:1-11

When I was a child, every once in a while I’d see someone who was blind, walking down the street with the help of his seeing-eye dog. Sixty-years ago, that was about the only “Service animal” I’d ever see. But today, things are very different. We can hardly go to the...

Chickens, Children and Citizens – Matthew 23:37

Let’s begin by calling Him, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus – the baby born in Bethlehem Judah; the child raised in Nazareth Galilee – was the most divisive person in Israel in His day. He was completely polarizing. Very few people in the days of Herod and Pilate had no...