Greetings and Salutations – I Peter 1:1-2

We are beginning this evening, what I hope will be, a two pronged study. Since I have only a couple more decades of ministry ahead of me, and there is so much Biblical material, I’m going to try to combine two subjects in this study: the life of Peter and Peter’s...

The Elijaic Ministry – Malachi 4:5-6

As we wrap up our study of Malachi, I don’t want you to move on thinking ONLY that this is the last book of the Old Testament. Of course it is, but… There were no more books added to the canon of scripture until we turn the page into the New Testament. Sometimes...

The Day of the Lord, Part Two – Malachi 4:1-3

I don’t remember which year it was, but I do remember the season: it was early Autumn. Our brethren in Colorado were organizing as a church, and I was invited to participate. Steve and Kathy Kjeldgaard accompanied Judy and me. Sunday evening, after the organizational...

Immortal, Immutable God – Malachi 3:6

It is one thing to hear on the news about the sad, sad state of the world: the effects of sin on our society. But it is another thing to get out into the world and to see it first hand. It is sad to see family members, people we love, terrified at the world’s current...

Theological Theft – Malachi 3:7-12

Try to picture a gang of thugs in one of the run down areas of Los Angeles, Chicago or New York. They control all the local crime in their neighborhood, including prostitution, drugs, gambling and protection. They are the total masters of their little domain, and the...

The Poet Laureate – Ephesians 2:8-10

Back in the days of medieval kings, art was the property of those kings and queens – monarchs only. The common man was so concerned with earning his daily bread that he had little time for beauty. The king commissioned the musicians, and he bought the sculptures. He...

The Messenger of the Messenger – Malachi 3:1

I mentioned in an earlier lesson that some commentators start chapter 3 with the last verse of chapter 2. Obviously, the men who translated and put together the King James Version did not agree. And here may be the reason why: Malachi 2:17 appear to be the words of...

Blessings into Curses – Malachi 2:1-2

I hope you believe that God is God. Do you understand what I mean by that? I don’t mean, I hope you believe that Jehovah is God, or Elohim is God. That is an eternal truth. I mean: I hope you believe that God is truly sovereign. Sovereignty is a part of the definition...

The Dreadful King – Malachi 1:14

Do you see the word “voweth”in this verse? “Cursed be the deceiver, which hath in his flock a male, and VOWETH, and sacrificeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing.” If I am not mistaken, that word takes us from Israel’s required sacrifices to their freewill offerings. This...

Esau have I Hated – Malachi 1:2-5

This scripture, along with Paul’s explanation and application in Romans 9, are among the most hated passages in the Bible. They are also among the most abused of all scriptures. Then a result of that abuse, they have become some of the most misunderstood by Christians...

Office of Deacon (#6 – Duties) – Acts 6:1-7

Believe it or not, I can read some of your minds. Some of you have been thinking, “The pastor is saying that our church needs to have some deacons. But after five lessons, I have yet to figure out WHY we need those deacons. All of this is much ado about nothing.” This...

Office of Deacon (#2 the Problem) – Acts 6:1-7

The early days of the church in Jerusalem were as unique as they were exciting. People were being converted in prodigious numbers – unparalleled at any point since. And after the ascension of Christ a pair of God’s angels offered wonderful encouragement to the eleven,...