Gargantuan Faith – I Samuel 17:41-50

The Bible which I use and study is a King James Version with notes edited by Frank Charles Thompson. It is called a “Thompson Chain Reference Bible.” I have used it for nearly fifty years. It isn’t perfect, so I also employ other tools, but I like it and don’t see...

Got any Rivers? – Joshua 3:14-17

We have in our song books, a hymn with the shortened title: “Got any Rivers?” The lyrics ask: “Got any rivers you think are uncrossable? Got any mountains you can’t tunnel through? God specializes in things thought impossible; He does the things no one else can do....

Jochebed’s Joy – Exodus 2:1-10

Think back with me to I Peter 1, where the apostle speaks about our Christian faith. He says that we have been begotten unto a lively, or living, hope by the resurrection of Christ Jesus. Therefore we have an “inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth...

The Sacrifice of Faith – Genesis 22:1-19

In the past, I have joined thousands of others, preaching this chapter as a gospel message. But that is not my intention this afternoon. We are in the midst of a series of lessons entitled: “Practical Faith.” If you are like me, we need to learn to take what we know...

Noah, the Church Planter – Genesis 6:5-18 (Hebrews 11:7)

As Christians we have been taught by God’s grace to put our faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. Perhaps there was a period of time when we knew that Jesus’ death was the means of salvation, but that knowledge had not yet been translated into true faith...

Standing in Grace – I Peter 5:12

Paul, the other apostle, tells us in Ephesians that God has given to His people, and His churches, a number of different kinds of ministers. “He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the...

Your Adversary: the Devil – I Peter 5:8-9

Peter, while in the midst of some practical exhortations, uses a simile to punctuate his lesson. “Your adversary the devil, AS a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” We will get back to the illustration of the lion in a moment, but first… As...

Fear the Divine Resistance – I Peter 5:5-6

In Acts 7 Stephen was being called to defend his faith in Christ as he stood before Israel’s high council. Someone had said, “We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses, and against God.” His blasphemy was in declaring that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of...

From Witness to Partaker – I Peter 5:1-4

Luke 24 describes Jesus’ first visit with His church after the resurrection. He had already revealed Himself to Mary at the tomb, and He had met the 2 disciples on the Emmaus Road. But this was His first appearance before the assembled church. The members were...

Pastors, Elders and Bishops – I Peter 5:1-4

  Back in chapter 1, Peter introduced himself to his readers using the word “apostle.” He was an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ; one of those to whom Christ gave that special title in Luke 6. “And it came to pass in those days that (Jesus) went out into a...

Above Everything Else – I Peter 4:8

No sincere Christian would readily admit to arguing with Peter or any other penman of the scriptures. Every well-taught Christian knows that the Holy Spirit is the author of the Word of God, and no one should argue or differ with the Lord. But the truth of the matter...

Where Can I Find Christ Jesus? – I Peter 3:18-22

The title to this afternoon’s message is: “Where Can I Find Christ Jesus?” I will begin with something for which I might get some flack, but I know I’m not the only guilty person here, so I might let you shield me if there is any push-back. Years ago, I read and...

To Bring us to God

Elizabeth Barrett’s parents disapproved so strongly of her marriage to Robert Browning that they disowned her. Almost every week for years Elizabeth wrote letters to her parents begging for reconciliation. Not once did they ever reply. Then after 10 years of...

Christian Resilience – I Peter 3:13-16

When the church in Jerusalem was needing help for their widows and orphans, the congregation set forth seven men to serve as servants – “deacons.” There was the famous Philip, and the not so famous Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas and Nicolas. In Acts 6 these men...