Emblems of the Eternal  – John 10:27-30

It is easy for a pastor to assume that his church members all believe the cardinal doctrines of that church.  For example, he might think that everyone is expecting the imminent return of Christ, and everyone is convinced of the absolute sovereignty of God.  Everyone...

Satan in Christ’s Church – Acts 5:1-11

I read a comment the other day and the Holy Spirit said, “You need to consider that for a message.” So I have. The comment was made by that man from India to whom I have referred several times recently. He wrote: “My hosts in a Southern (American) city…...

What makes a Church “Missionary?” – Acts 13:1-5

The church from which this church sprang was named: “First Missionary Baptist Church.” You might say that it was the Antioch of this church, just as Antioch in Syria was the means of starting the churches in Lystra, Iconium and Derby through their missionaries. The...

Boats for Christ – Mark 4:35-41

A couple months ago, I was re-reading Alfred Edersheim’s classic study of Christ – “Jesus the Messiah.” In the course of discussing Mark 4, and the other gospels about this event, he made a passing comment. For some reason or other it caught my eye, so I put the...

Ye are the Salt of the Earth – Matthew 5:1-16

It must be remembered that this Sermon on the Mount was delivered by Christ to His disciples. This was a sermon to Christians – believers – those already redeemed. It was not shared as a gospel message with instructions for the salvation of the wicked. This isn’t a...

Faith’s Joy – Isaiah 12:1-6

History has recorded a letter which the Athenian philosopher Aristides wrote to the Roman Emperor Hadrian. Hadrian died in 138 AD, so this letter was written around the beginning of the second century. Aristides, describing the Christians he had observed, wrote:...

Ministerial Faith – Acts 16:31

How important is faith to the work of the ministry? To put that question another way: what relationship does faith have to what we are doing tonight? Here we are taking another look into the Word of God. That is always a good and profitable thing. We are here with a...

The Reward of Faith – Hebrews 11:5-6

The editor of my Bible has as a title for Hebrews 11. He calls it “The Roll Call of the Heroes of the Faith.” There are a great many eminent servants of God found here. They were not just saints; they were above average saints. And yet it wasn’t because they were...

From Whence Cometh This Faith? – John 20:24-25

In our on-going study of the principles of faith I would like to expand a point made in this morning’s message. Believe me, I am not mad at anyone, even though I might get a little heated about this. This is just one of the basic principles about faith, and therefore...

The Shield of Faith – Ephesians 6:11-17

Picture, if you will, an ancient valley community, clinging to the banks of a rushing river. Against that village there is a terrible army, coming to kill, loot and destroy. The poor community has no natural defense other than the river to its back. So the male...

Faith by Which to Live One’s Life – Daniel 6:16-23

For what reason did the Lord redeem us and bring us into His family? What should be the goal of our lives? What are we trying to do with our three score and ten years? The general answer should be: to bring glory to God through our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. More...

Faith for the Storm – I Kings 18:41-46

The title of this message is: “Faith for the Storm,” which is something quite different from faith in the storm. We may eventually come to that lesson, but not tonight. In this scripture Elijah put his faith in God in order to receive a much needed storm. And right...

Introduction to Faith – I Kings 17:1-7

Elijah is a truly interesting Old Testament character, with many practical lessons to teach us. He was useful to the Lord for many years, including his mentoring of Elisha. Then while preaching to the king of Israel, he was also commissioned to anoint a future king of...

Fast Faith – Esther 4:10-17

Esther, also known as Hadassah, the cousin of a Jew named Mordecai, became the wife of the Persian king, Ahasuerus. She was providentially (even miraculously) placed in that position by God in order to save Israel from genocide. Haman, an anti-semite, was able to...