The Strength of Weakness  –  Matthew 26:36-44

I am of the opinion that each of us are tri-part creatures.  There are some theologians who insist that man is made up of two parts – physical and spiritual.  But I take Paul seriously when he says prayed for his friends in Thessalonica:  “And the very God of peace...

Self-disqualification – Luke 24:13-15

We will not always have a message about the Lord’s Supper before we observe the Lord’s Supper. Sometimes it will be a sermon about something entirely different. And then once in a while we may not have a message all – we’ll just say a few words and begin. But this...

How the God-Man Saves Sinners – Hebrews 9:19-26

I have a yellowing copy of a 1979 newspaper with a picture of my father receiving a certificate of recognition. The article talks about the fact that Antony Oldfield had been donating whole blood for more than 40 years. During that time, he had given more than 20...

Historical Revisionism – Romans 16:17-18

A couple weeks ago I brought a message entitled: “Ours is not a Reformed Baptist Church.” It generated quite a bit of interest beyond the walls of our own building. I don’t know how many have watched it on FaceBook, but nearly a hundred people have listened to it on...

The Wind Bloweth Where It Listeth – John 3:1-16

This evening I’d like to share some of my perspective on the meeting at Indian Mission Baptist Church. In doing so I’d like to point to something which many Christians might think strange, but which happens fairly frequently in Holy Spirit controlled meetings. When...

Coals of Fire – Proverbs 14:30; 23:17

I am giving this message the title: “Coals of Fire.” You might think this theme comes from a relatively familiar phrase which I didn’t read from Proverbs. Romans 12:20 exhorts the Christian saying, “If thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in...

Sowing Bad Seed – Proverbs 6:16-19

This evening we will return to the short series, which this week, I entitled: “Sins among the Saints.” Many people in our quasi-Christian world think “saints” are sinless people, but true Christians know better. “Saints” are nothing more than sinners whom the Lord has...

Our Worldly Context – John 17:15-18

We have probably all heard that “Christians are people living IN the world, but they are not OF the world.” As parts of speech, in this statement, the word’s “in” and “of” are prepositions. In the English language there are about 70 different prepositions. They are...

Ethical Anger – Ephesians 4:26-27

After last week’s thrilling message on the Christian sin of worry, I decided to take another step into dark side. Let’s think about the common sins of anger. In addition to its evils, let’s try to consider, at least in part, some of the benefits of anger. Is...

Satanic Imaginations – Matthew 6:24-34

As your pastor and just as fellow Christian, I am in constant need of your prayers – for a great many reasons. Here is another to add to the list: I am thinking of bringing a series of messages on Christian sins. Pray for the Lord’s direction in this. Should I, or...

These Times and God’s Time  – Psalm 31:15

Nearly every verse in this great Psalm could be developed into sermon.  Furthermore, we could take several verses and come up with thoughts for the beginning of a new year.  For example there is verse 3 – “Thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name’s...