Lord, Is it I? – Matthew 26:20-25

I confess to borrowing this outline from the 19th century Baptist preacher, Alexander MacLaren. About the time that Spurgeon was in London, MacLaren was preaching in Manchester. His best known work is the 31 volume, “Exposition of Holy Scripture” – a...

They Made Ready the Passover – Matthew 26:17-19

The Feast of Unleavened Bread was a Spring festival which lasted for either seven or eight days, depending on your point of view. Prior to that week, Israel was to “clean house,” moving out all forms of corruption and leaven. Then, on the first day of the...

Mary’s Worship – Matthew 26:6-13

As we shall see, the timing of this meal and Mary’s gift to Christ was significant. If this was not divinely providential, it was certainly used by the Lord to emphasize a significant lesson. As we review the details of this meal and the people who were present, Mary...

Jesus’ Last Week on Earth – Matthew 26:1-5

This message tonight could not in any way be called a “sermon.” By my definition a “sermon” should be a progression of thought with several distinct points reaching toward one or two logical objectives. There are thousands of preachers whose...

The Judgment of the Nations – Matthew 25:31-46

Continuity is one of the things provided by a chapter by chapter study like this. Some of the best orators that I have known reveled in topical sermons – picked from all over the Bible. Those may have been some great messages, but they were often pulled out of the...

The Parable of the Talents – Matthew 25:14-30

Matthew 25 is a chapter of parables – we have two of the Lord’s stories and something which comes very close to a third. And what “fun” there can be with parables – they can be twisted and turned into logic pretzels. At this point, I have plans to preach...

Are You Ready? – Matthew 24:32-51

I’ve taken the same scripture which we used last Sunday night, but my message will be a bit more general. Christ was telling the Jews of the Tribulation period to get ready for His return and their redemption. When the fig tree puts forth its leaves, you know that the...

The Parable of the Fig Tree – Matthew 24:32-51

At this point, I’m not sure how many more messages we will have from this chapter. The theme of the last 20 verses of Matthew 24 is essentially one – “Get ready; it’s all coming soon.” This evening I want you to remember that the Lord teaches the imminence...

Jacob’s Trouble – Matthew 24:15-31

From time to time, including this morning, you have heard me use the term “Jacob’s Trouble.” When I do that, I am using it as a synonym for the seven year “Tribulation” spoken of by Daniel, and expounded here and in Revelation and other...

Modern False Christs – Matthew 24:3-5; 22-23

From time to time, you and I need to remind ourselves that we are very blest people. Amen? That statement could take us in many directions, but I have a special one in mind this afternoon. We were never directly a part – or else we were rescued from – the religious...

O Humanity, Humanity – Matthew 23:37-39

Once again, we come to a scripture from which I have never preached a full message. And I can’t believe it after 45 years in the ministry. Thankfully, I have referred to these verses and quoted them many, many times. But I’ve never invited your extended attention to...