Glimpses Beforehand – Matthew 27:33-50

Our message tonight is theological. Let’s go through the back door to consider the omnipotence, omniscience and sovereignty of God. Of course by “omnipotence” I refer to the fact that the power of God knows no limitations whatsoever. As Jesus reminded the...

Anomalies and Contradictions – Matthew 27:33-50

Twenty years ago – in 1995 – I preached a two part message entitled, “If I was the Devil.” I didn’t pull them up to check, but if I remember those sermons, I suggested things that I would do if I was in charge of a God-hating world. And it just so happens...

The Geography of Golgotha – Matthew 27:31-33

  I have decided to cancel this evening’s sermon – but you aren’t invited to leave just yet. I don’t know how to describe this message, but it is not a sermon. It might be a lecture, a lesson, an address or merely just rambling, but it is not a sermon. I thought that...

For Envy they delivered Him – Matthew 27:18

You young people might disagree, but I am not yet an old man – older every day – but not “old” as yet. One aspect of that point is the fact that I still learn things. I can’t say that I learn something new every day, but I do learn things from time to...

Decision Time – Matthew 27:11-26

  In the years preceding 1994, the Quaker Oats Company had posted strong financial earnings. At the same time, the company which produced Snapple teas was doing equally as well. So that year the chairman of Quaker Oats pushed his company into buying Snapple for $1.7...

Jeremy’s Prophecy – Matthew 27:6-10

  Years ago, I awoke one Saturday morning with a terrible pain in my gut, low on the right side. Knowing my body fairly well, I told Judy, my wife, that I had appendicitis. When she replied me that I needed to go to the hospital – our doctor’s office was closed. I...

Jesus’ Blasphemy – Matthew 26:57-68

  Without apology, I return to a subject which I have preached many times. We should pray that I never stop returning to the subject of the deity of Christ. The crucifixion of Christ Jesus must never be separated from the fact that He is God. As well as being the Son...

Jesus’ Friend, Judas – Matthew 26:47-50

Our title this evening is – “Jesus’ Friend, Judas” – taking, as our text, Christ’s words in verse 50 – “Friend, wherefore are thou come?” You might think, incorrectly, that this is more about Judas than the Lord Jesus. We had our message about...

Disciples in the Garden – Matthew 26:36-46

The events of this text occurred one evening about 2000 years ago. The participants involved here, in many respects, were quite different from you and me. They had no technology; they spoke a different language, and their clothing was different. They ate different...

Scandal in the Ranks – Matthew 26:31-35

  The Saviour and His disciples were on the move. They were going to a place they had apparently visited on previous evenings – the Mount of Olives. Judas was aware that this has been the Lord’s practice for most of this week. There was a private and peaceful garden...