Jan 11, 2016 | God's People Are ..., Sunday Evening
There are very few Biblical doctrines for which Satan has not created a perversion or two. And very often he uses the same name or title to further confound the inattentive. For example, most people – even good Christians – have a weak perception of last week’s...
Jan 4, 2016 | God's People Are ..., Sunday Evening
Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet,” centers on two young people – one each from feuding families. At one point Juliet muses that Romeo’s last name doesn’t make him any less a wonderful person. She says, “A rose by any other name would smell as...
Dec 14, 2015 | Sunday Evening
Over the last couple of weeks the subject of “the bride of Christ” has come up in conversation. Now that we have finished our four-year study of Matthew, we don’t have a predetermined course to follow, so we can address some of the subjects which haven’t...
Dec 7, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Evening
Calvary Baptist is adamant in its understanding that Jesus Christ created the universe and everything in it. We do not accept the theories of atheistic evolution which are is commonly taught today. So while admitting that there are hundreds of breeds of dogs and new...
Nov 30, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Evening
I gave thought to adding a point to my message this morning, but decided to save it for tonight. There are reasons to worship Christ contained within this so-called “Great Commission.” For example, Christ says, “All power is given unto me in heaven...
Nov 23, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Evening
The Lord willing, next Sunday night we will deal more directly with the questions raised in verse 18. In the mean time, how do YOU look at these commandments – this commission? In William Carey’s day it was common to think that these words belonged only to the...
Nov 15, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Evening
I feel somewhat foolish addressing these verses. I feel foolish because what we read here is foolish. How can we be serious about something so silly? And yet, this is the Word of God, so it is worthy of our consideration. Plus the implications and results of these...
Nov 9, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Evening
We are going to take a slight step backward this evening after taking a step forward. Luke 24 describes one of the later meetings between Christ and His disciples. The ladies had delivered their exciting news, and the two from Emmaus had also returned. “As they...
Nov 2, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Evening
How many witnesses were there to the resurrection of Christ? If your mind immediately goes back to last Sunday night’s message then – I’ve got you! Last week I tried to harmonize Christ Jesus’ post resurrection appearances. There were the ladies, but how many of them?...
Oct 19, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Evening
This will be a brief hypothetical sermon, because we don’t have any sinners among us today. There are no shady areas in our lives – no worldly tendencies – no inner sins. Furthermore, there are no false doctrines hidden away in our hearts – no radical Biblical...
Oct 12, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Evening
We all have criteria which we use to measure other professing Christians. Some of these are clearly scriptural, while others are based on conclusions which we only think come from the Bible. I am obviously more spiritual than you because I am wearing a tie this...
Oct 5, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Evening
Our subject for this evening involves what particular day of the week Jesus died. In the back of my mind, I picture myself teaching or preaching a message on this subject, but I couldn’t find that message or any record that I’ve ever taught it. Perhaps it was a part...
Sep 28, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Evening
I have very eclectic reading habits. For the past several weeks now I have been re-reading Baptist history books. But I admit that I enjoy reading various kinds of mystery books. My last one involved the theft and forgery of some very valuable postage stamps. One of...
Sep 20, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Evening
This afternoon I would like us to step back a few minutes during the events of the crucifixion. And let’s leave Matthew in the process. There is an invaluable lesson in these few words. Not only do we learn a little more about the Lord Jesus, but we have an example...
Sep 14, 2015 | Matthew, Sunday Evening
Computers are marvelous instruments. I bought my first computer while visiting here on a visit from Calgary in 1987, and I haven’t looked back. I’m not sure anymore that I could prepare four messages a week, if it was not for my computer. And I know that I couldn’t...