Thoughts about Tradition – Matthew 15:1-9

Our Lord’s conversation in this text involves the subject of tradition. And this conversation is appropriate for our consideration, because if there is any season of the year more filled with tradition than the one in which we find ourselves, I’m not aware of it....

What if They Knew? – John 4:1-14

Among other things, John 4 is one of the great missionary texts in the Bible. You could say that Judea and Galilee had already received the gospel. They had missionaries and visiting preachers – they had been evangelized. They had a traveling church and even had the...

How to Pray for the President Elect – Ezra 1

I don’t know how closely you listen to current religious thought, but there has been an interesting theme echoing around Christendom. It began before the elections last month, but it has picked up steam since then. There are preachers comparing our President-elect...

Presumptuous Sins – Psalm 19:1-14

As you can see we return to the text which we used this morning. Earlier I pointed out that there is a progression of revelation in these words. They move from the revelation of God in nature to that of His Word and then to the heart of the Christian. But there is a...

Which Bible? – I Peter 1:23-25

There are several dozen doctrines which will never be compromised as long as I am pastor of this church. One of those doctrines would be in regard to the Bible we use in our services and in the preacher’s study. Someone might reply saying that the version we use is...

Hunting Season – II Corinthians 4:1-6

Idaho is in the midst of its hunting season – something in which I participated back in my Alberta days. I bought the rifle and the orange vest, along with a knife and other equipment. I subscribed to the magazines, and for a few years I literally dreamed the dream of...

The Purpose of Christian Confidence – I John 5:19

Sometimes understanding the background of a Biblical book is important to understanding its message. For example, remembering what was happening to the readers of the Book of Hebrews helps us to understand some of the more difficult things Paul was saying. Those good...

Proper Honor – I Corinthians 11:1-16

I mentioned on Wednesday that there is a different culture in Kentucky than there is here. I said that the people in the church we visited eat differently than we do. They still use knives an forks, but some of their food is not generally found around here. Judy came...

A Storm on the Horizon – Daniel 8:15-25

This is not the first time, but it is not something I do very often. I am giving you another man’s sermon this afternoon. You could say that we have a guest speaker. I was given an article a few weeks ago – one with which I fully agreed, and which I thought would be a...

Let’s all Sing – Psalm 137

This Psalm was written by one of the children of Israel who were taken captive to Babylon. It is an historical and Biblical fact that the majority of Israel had became idolaters and rebels against God. So the Lord permitted the mighty Babylonian Empire to stretch to...

Highest Comfort – I Thessalonians 4:13-18

How should we catagorize the last verse in this chapter? “Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” Is this a command – an authoritative “comfort one another”? If we make it into a command, doesn’t it loose some of its comforting...

Blessed Intercession – Luke 22:31-32

This afternoon let’s meditate for a few minutes on the Lord Jesus Christ as our Mediator and Intercessor. His intercession takes place in at least two major areas. For example, several scriptures stress that intercession in relationship to our salvation. To whom was...

Why should it be thought incredible – Acts 26:1-8

Have you ever asked yourself why this church auditorium isn’t filled to overflowing during our services? Perhaps you haven’t, but it’s a question that I have often asked myself. Maybe you already have an idea about the answer. If the World Wrestling Federation or...

The End Times’ Resurrection – Titus 2:11-13

The grace of God is like a big Boeing 777 flying to your home from some exotic location. First, it brings to us our most precious loved one – Jesus, the Son of God. And down in the cargo hold there is a box of treasures with two names on it – Christ’s and yours. There...