Walking to Victory – Acts 9:25-31

Acts 9 is the chapter which describes the salvation of Saul of Tarsus, before he became the Apostle Paul.  As a former champion of the Jews and a leader in the persecution of God’s saints, his conversion to Christ radically changed the religious landscape in Israel. ...

Serenity Shared – John 14:27-31

Before considering our Lord’s words here in John 14, please turn to what He said Matthew 7. We are turning from the “Upper Room Discourse” to the “Sermon on Mount.” Look at verse 24 – “Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a...

Blessings from Faithfulness – Proverbs 28:20

On a scale of one to ten, how generally faithful are you? Be honest with yourself. Do you think your answer matches the Lord’s judgment of you? How faithful are you to your family – to your spouse and children – to your parents? Are you respectful? Obedient?...

The Application of Faithfulness – I Timothy 1:12-17

I have no authority to say so, but I think that if we could have asked Paul, “How is your life going?” He would have said, “I have the best, most joyous, most purposeful life I could every have imagined.” Like all of us – like Daniel – like David – Paul’s life had its...

A Gap in Some People’s Theology – Genesis 1:1-2

As I said last Sunday, nearly every important doctrine can be studied beginning with the Book of Genesis. It might be argued that there are exceptions. Which of these doctrines MIGHT not be found in Genesis? (Angelology, Theology, Hamartiology, Soteriology,...

Faithfulness – I Corinthians 4:1-4

I would like to begin a short study of the Biblical subject of “Faithfulness.” I know this isn’t as exciting as the Millennium or how the upcoming election or War in Gaza relate to the Tribulation. I know that a study of “faithfulness” isn’t like studying evangelism...

Shew Me the Path to Church, O Lord – Psalm 25:1-9

Let’s say that as I am getting into bed tonight, the Lord sends me a message. “To whom it may concern. This coming Friday night, I am going to blow out the flame and remove the candle stick of Post Falls’ Calvary Independent Baptist Church.” Being convinced this...

At the Foot of Jesus – Luke 7:36-50

I don’t know if it is bad or good, but most of us don’t think much about our posture – especially our posture as it relates to others or to God. When I was a kid, a part of our Episcopal worship was using the kneeling cushions when we went to prayer. But then and here...

My Sin is Ever Before Me – Psalm 51:1-4

In a book called “Mountains in the Mist,” Frank Boreham made some interesting comments on this Psalm. He reminded his readers that this is one of the so-called “Penitential Psalms” – songs written by sinners with broken hearts over their transgressions and the shame...

Trilogy of the Trinity – II Corinthians 13:14

Do you have a standard salutation you share with people just before you depart to go your separate ways? What do you say before you click “End call” on your phone or when you’ve finished preparing your email? If you are like me, you may have a regular form of...

How the Bible Gave Us Chloroform – Genesis 2:18-23

I have read, over and over again, the words of famous people extolling the Bible and its influence on our world. Those quotes have come from American presidents, scientists, scholars in literature, historians, anthropologists and many others. They say such things as,...

The Gospel According to Aurora – John 1:1-14

I’d like us to have some serious fun for a few minutes. A couple weeks ago I preached a message called “The Gospel According to Ephesians,” in which I went through Paul’s epistle, trying to outline the message of salvation. This morning, I’d like to point to some...

The Doctrine of Doctrine – Romans 16:16-18

Mom has gone to the grocery store, and one of the things on her shopping list is cantaloup. When she comes to a bin with more than fifty cantaloups, how will she know which is the very best? Some shoppers make their decision based upon the color of the fruit, while...

Angels Ministering unto Jesus – Matthew 4:1-11

This evening I’m going to add just a couple thoughts to our consideration of angels this morning. Earlier we noted the existence and importance of angels in the Bible. If there are no angels, then the Lord Jesus cannot be trusted, neither can Paul, Peter, the Old...