Aug 7, 2017 | Sunday Evening
We looked at this scripture just recently, considering, what we might call, the Spirit’s secondary purpose. Going back over my notes, I decided to approach it a second time considering the Lord’s primary purpose. And that is in spite of the fact that Baptists are...
Jul 31, 2017 | Sunday Evening
If I was given the word “pillar” in a word association test, and I had not just read these verses from the Old Testament, I’d probably think of some sort of Grecian column. I doubt that anyone thinks of “guidance” in any relation to the...
Jul 24, 2017 | Sunday Evening
Obviously, here is a scripture which talks about money – riches, wealth. We have positive comments, like – “Godliness with contentment is great gain.” We have positive exhortations, such as – “Having food and raiment let us be therewith...
Jul 16, 2017 | Sunday Evening
It is quite popular among editorial writers to say things like: “It is my opinion…” or “As I see it….” Although that writer may put it that way, it doesn’t mean that no one else sees it his way. And when large groups of people...
Jul 10, 2017 | Sunday Evening
The psalmist David – King David – loved the Word of God. In Psalm 19 he sang: “The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the...
Jul 3, 2017 | Sunday Evening
It is believed by many experts that I Thessalonians is the first of Paul’s many epistles (letters). Some say that it was written less than twenty years after the crucifixion – and before the Gospels. I don’t know if these are true, but assuming they are, it opens up...
Jun 26, 2017 | Sunday Evening
A couple of weeks ago, my wife was looking for something which had somehow gotten itself lost. She looked all over the house and then went out to the car. Our car gets cleaned and vacuumed from time to time, but sometimes more thoroughly than at other times. On this...
Jun 18, 2017 | Sunday Evening
Every once in a while Judy will say to me on a Sunday afternoon that she had a difficult time teaching her class that morning. She will tell me that one or two of the kids think they know all about the subject for that day. Sometimes they think that they know more...
Jun 12, 2017 | Sunday Evening
“How much do you know?” If you stop and think about it, that is an interesting question – “How much do you know?” You’d probably like me to qualify that question – “How much do you know about …. the Bible?” “How much do...
Jun 5, 2017 | Sunday Evening
One of the books which I picked up in Grandad’s study was a collection of articles from the sermons of Charles Spurgeon. The book was entitled – “Joy in Your Life.” I thought to myself – “Now here is something which we all need.” I don’t know...
May 28, 2017 | Sunday Evening
Paul makes reference to something about which most Christians are somewhat fuzzy – “the day of the Lord.” It is kind like bologna – Lots of people eat it but very few know much about it. But “this day of the Lord.” of which we are so ignorant...
May 15, 2017 | Sunday Evening
I preached from this parable when we studied the Book of Matthew. I tried to teach what I thought was the Lord’s primary lesson. There were several groups of laborers, and each served for a different length of time, but they were rewarded equally. Tonight I’d like to...
May 8, 2017 | Sunday Evening
This is an often preached passage of scripture. But you may not have heard a message which emphasizes verses 32-34. And, as you might surmise, this is not a gospel message. The Lord Jesus had been working very hard in the previous few months prior to this chapter. In...
May 1, 2017 | Sunday Evening
Our thoughts tonight are a corollary to the message of last Sunday night. The theme was and still is – “How we got our Bible.” It’s not how the Holy Spirit inspired God’s word. We know that “Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy...
Apr 24, 2017 | Sunday Evening
Every once in a while I will read an article which impresses me. Some times that article develops into a message which is entirely my own. But on other occasions, there is little that I can add to what the author has said. And when that happens I don’t mind telling...