Jesus Christ is Lord – Romans 10:6-10

  You have heard me say many times that I view the word “Lord” in the New Testament as being equivalent to “LORD” in the Old Testament. When Christ is said to be “Lord” – depending on the context, the Spirit is saying that He is...

God’s Knowledge – Psalm 147

  A good test of our spiritual condition might be how we respond to meditations upon the Person of God. A couple of weeks ago, I told you that the message for that day, came from an edited version of Stephen Charnock’s “Discourses on the Existence and Attributes...

How the Spiritual God Should be Worship – John 4:4-23

  Christ Jesus told the Samaritan woman that since God is a spirit, His worship must be of a spiritual nature. Since God is a spirit, fellowship with Him must involve our spirit, not our flesh. Worship must suit the nature of the Object worshiped. And so for us, it is...

How the Spiritual God Should be Worship – John 4:4-23 Christ Jesus told the Samaritan woman that since God is a spirit, His worship must be of a spiritual nature. Since God is a spirit, fellowship with Him must involve our spirit, not our flesh. Worship must suit the...

Our Lord’s Sample Prayer – Matthew 6:9-13

  For a couple of weeks, I have been thinking about this sample prayer. I thought I might incorporate it into the service last Tuesday, but it wasn’t the Lord’s will. However it was the Lord’s will that I spend some time meditating on it. As an example and guideline...

Three Ears – Acts 7:54-58

  This is not the first time that I have preached on the subject of the human ear. I’ve done that in two sermons before, but the last time was many years ago. I thought about starting with an object lessons for tonight, but I think that we’re familiar enough with ears...


  I have just finished listening to a CD biography of William Tyndale by David Teems. It was so fascinating that I asked the library to find a hard copy so I could re-read what I had heard. Tyndale loved the Word of God and the English language which was still in its...

The Pre-wrath Rapture – I Thessalonians 4:13-18

  When I was in school there were several ways to look at the timing of the Lord’s return. That Christ will return to earth in power and great glory is something which cannot be denied by anyone who reads the Bible in any literal sort of way. The most prominent...

The Filling of the Spirit – Ephesians 5:18

  Bro. Stewart has in his employ a young man who professes to have been recently converted to Christ. Of course, none of us can judge the man’s heart, but it sounds as though he might have been converted to the Holy Spirit rather than to Christ. Because of this man,...

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem – Psalm 122

  Mrs. Charlotte Yeoman was a member of our church in Calgary thirty-five years ago. She has remained such a family friend that Judy and I refused to visit Canada a few weeks ago without driving eight hours out of our way to spend a day with her and her husband....

The Church in Colossae – Colossians 1:14-24

I read of a man who was in town on business; it was going to take about ten days. As he was walking his hotel after dinner one evening he noticed a sign which read “Chinese Laundry.” By that time he had plenty of dirty clothes, so he made a note of the...

The Humility of John – Matthew 3:11-14

John the Baptist gives us and example to use for a study of humility. The Lord hates pride and loves humility. The Lord loved John. We all need to be more humble than we are, but it needs to be a Biblically-governed humility. It needs to come from within us, from the...

Receiving the Word of God – I Thessalonians 2:13-20

Years ago there was a Christian young man, 14-yrs-old, who had landed his first real job. He was a helper in a hardware store which was owned by his uncle. One day a customer came in and ordered a couple of pounds of nails, and Billy was sent to help the man. Into the...

Does it Matter? – John 14:1-3

As quite often happens, this morning’s message didn’t go the way I originally intended. Thursday, as I sat down to prepare, I had a plan in mind, but the Holy Spirit had another. And as is usually the case, the Lord won the day, and my message ended up different than...