Mar 26, 2018 | Sunday Evening
How many Christians, do you suppose, have really studied this book? I wonder how many have even read this book more than a time or two. We are going to try to remedy that oversight beginning this evening. One reason why Ecclesiastes isn’t read more than once is due...
Mar 18, 2018 | Sunday Evening
This afternoon we will finish our little study on the panoply of the Christian – the armor of God. Paul has been painting a picture of the best-dressed soldier of Christ. His medium as been watercolors, rather than crisp, clean oils or even pastels. I say...
Mar 12, 2018 | Sunday Evening
One of our hymns asks, “Am I a soldier of the cross?” For the child of God, the answer must be “Yes!” for this is our calling as long as we live in this world. Paul told Timothy – & through him he told us – to “endure hardship as a...
Mar 5, 2018 | Sunday Evening
I assume that none of us are under any delusions – this armor is figurative, not literal. I have known pastors who asked their membership to pretend to put on each piece. Together they pulled down the helmet of salvation and strapped on the breastplate of...
Feb 26, 2018 | Sunday Evening
The word “shield” is relatively common in the Bible, being found sixty-six times in the Old Testament. Not only is it fairly common, but it is also fairly complicated. It can refer to many different related things: Sometimes a shield was made of metal...
Feb 18, 2018 | Sunday Evening
When Aimy Zeweniuk was here a few weeks ago, she came up to me and said, “I really like your shoes; can I have them?” She was joking of course about taking my shoes – because they were obviously too big for her. But she was not joking about admiring my...
Feb 12, 2018 | Sunday Evening
I am surprised once in a while by one the Lord’s minor miracles. Three weeks ago, the Lord laid on my heart a review of the Christian’s armor, and today that brings us to “the breastplate of righteousness.” Next Wednesday, our on-going devotionals from...
Feb 5, 2018 | Sunday Evening
There is an enemy of Christ who is out to destroy the Lord’s Kingdom and to silence His subjects. And that means you and I are in spiritual danger. The Satanic attack against us may be physical or it may be entirely spiritual. Probably most often it is a combination...
Jan 29, 2018 | Sunday Evening
For years, one of the most popular writers in Christian circles has been a man named George Barna. According to Wikipedia, “Barna has written more than 50 books, mostly addressing cultural trends, leadership, spiritual development, and church dynamics. They...
Jan 21, 2018 | Sunday Evening
Our study of Holy Scripture must never be a mere academic exercise – or for the sake of scholarship. Because, among other things one of the dangers in knowledge is pride. “I have memorized John Gill’s book, therefore I am more knowledgeable than you are. And...
Jan 15, 2018 | Sunday Evening
Are there any people living between the 49th parallel and the Rio Grande River, who suggest that Donald Trump is not the legal President of the United States? I can imagine that there are people, who for various reasons, make that kind of statement. But the fact...
Jan 8, 2018 | Sunday Evening
In 1 Corinthians 15:45 Jesus is called “the last Adam. ” The word “last” is the Greek word from which we derive “eschatology” or the doctrine of last things. You could say that Christ is the “eschatological Adam.” The...
Jan 1, 2018 | Sunday Evening
Three weeks ago, I brought to your attention, something special about the Lordship of Christ. It was that His Lordship was enhanced and changed when He completed the work of redemption. After Christ’s exaltation, the Father made Him Lord in ways He was not Lord...
Dec 25, 2017 | Sunday Evening
I said last Sunday afternoon that among the many types of Christ in the Old Testament two men make particularly important statements about the Lord. And I want to capitalize that word LORD, because the lesson I am trying to emphasize is this – Jesus Christ is the...
Dec 17, 2017 | Sunday Evening
There are several people in the Old Testament who are types or pictures of Christ. Joseph for example, has to be one of the most perfect and lovely, depicting our Lord in several ways. But there are two other men, both mentioned in the New Testament, who are...