Jul 15, 2018 | Sunday Evening
Many of you won’t recognize the name in the title to this message. You are too young to know “Buddy Holly” and your music tastes have never run down the same path. That is all right, because for the sake of an introduction to this message, I’m going to...
Jul 9, 2018 | Sunday Evening
Not everyone should be a brain surgeon; most people don’t have the knowledge and skill. Not everyone should run marathons, because many don’t have the physical strength or health. Not everyone should be parents, because many people are nothing but 40-year-old...
Jul 2, 2018 | Sunday Evening
One of the benefits of studying history is that it helps to keep one’s current situation in proper perspective. That is, history SHOULD keep things in perspective. But like everything else, people have a tendency to look at things through prejudiced eyes. For...
Jun 25, 2018 | Sunday Evening
What is the difference between “fast,” “faster” and “fastest”? Isn’t it obvious? “Fast” means that something goes quickly. “Faster” means that something goes more quickly than the thing which only goes...
Jun 11, 2018 | Sunday Evening
Solomon has spent six chapters describing life in some of its darkest shades. “There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is common among men.” Actually there are lots of evils under the sun – and hiding from the sun – which the news throws...
Jun 4, 2018 | Sunday Evening
Solomon keeps coming back to a familiar theme. Verse 19 – “Seeing there be many things that increase vanity, what is man the better?” Sometimes he changes the key words, while still asking the same question. In verse 20 he asks, “What GOOD is there...
May 28, 2018 | Sunday Evening
After we get to know people, there are often certain things which come to mind as we think about them. It might be the man’s job – Joe is a carpenter, John is a doctor, and we think of them in their vocations. Or it could be that person’s hobby – she has a green...
May 20, 2018 | Sunday Evening
With what we know about his father, we might assume that if Solomon were alive today, he would have been raised in church. David had his spiritual ups and downs like every other human being, but he was essentially a man of God. He was often on the road, even living...
May 14, 2018 | Sunday Evening
Solomon, the royal preacher, is musing about life – its qualities, problems and purpose. He has tasted, tested and eventually rejected a great many things which lesser men think are important to life. He deals with the same things men and women are pursuing nearly...
May 7, 2018 | Sunday Evening
One of the problems in studying Ecclesiastes is we often don’t know which Solomon is speaking to us. Is this Solomon the undeniable intellectual genius – the super-smart child of Adam. Or is this the other son of Adam – the sinful, self-filled reprobate. At...
Apr 30, 2018 | Sunday Evening
In this chapter Solomon makes a change in his writing style. He drops the autobiographical form of the first two chapters and temporarily waxes philosophical. He could have put this to music and added another million dollars to his already fabulous fortune. Although...
Apr 23, 2018 | Sunday Evening
For several weeks recently, I was looking for insurance protection for the church. At first, I was looking for nothing more than accident or liability insurance against slip and fall accidents. I came close to buying a commercial package which any business might...
Apr 16, 2018 | Sunday Evening
Because I want to maintain some consistency in our study of Ecclesiastes, this afternoon, we shall look at a subject and text which I addressed about a year ago. I sincerely hope that some of you will remember a point or two that you’ll hear today. One of the fears...
Apr 9, 2018 | Sunday Evening
I am getting in way over my head in our theme for this evening. But, as you know, that is not particularly unusual; I do that quite often. As God’s wise man often does, Solomon is going to talk to us about wisdom. Am I qualified to comment on the wisdom of Solomon?...
Apr 2, 2018 | Sunday Evening
Here in Ecclesiastes Solomon is describing a spiritual journey. It was HIS journey – which began under the tutelage of his godly father David. But Solomon was detoured and led away from the Lord by the lusts of his flesh. Generally speaking people are not free to...