Wherefore We Labour – II Corinthians 5:9-16

  When Missionary Johnson was here a couple weeks ago, he spoke about his intended work in Thailand before preaching during the morning service. Years ago, I was in his shoes, preaching in different churches every Sunday, and often driving between cities the rest of...

Mission’s Four Principles – Acts 13:1-5; 14:23-28

  Our church has supported the work of missions from its inception. Even when we had very little money, we helped to keep a few missionaries on their respective fields. For decades now, we have taken a tenth of our general offerings and put that money into missions....

Books, Goads and Nails – Ecclesiastes 12:8-12

  This is the penultimate message in our study of Ecclesiastes; we have but one more. We are told, “of making many books there is no end,” and that is equally true of the making of sermons. But with “much study is a weariness of the flesh.”...

Sound Doctrine 101 – Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:7

  Just about a year ago I preached from the first half of chapter 12. The title of the message was “Our Long Home” – referring to the grave – death. And then this morning I referred to this scripture again. So avoid too much reiteration, I’m going to...

How Sweet is the Light – Ecclesiastes 11:7-8

  On one of the family vacations to the Black Hills when I was 8 years old, we paid our money to join a group of tourists entering a deep-shaft gold mine. We used flashlights to look at gold-laden ore, examining star-like twinkles in the hard rock walls. At some point...

Incentive to Service – Ecclesiastes 11:1-6

  We’ve been looking at this book for several months now. I hope we’ve not been into it for so long you’ve forgotten how gloomy Solomon was at the beginning. At first everything he touched seemed to crumble to dust. “Laughter is vanity, work is vanity, rest is...

The Words of the Fool – Ecclesiastes 10:10-20

  The last half of this chapter isn’t organized and put into a nice clean outline; there isn’t a plan or objective. Here, the penman of the Proverbs gives to us a few more examples of his divinely-given wisdom. And in this case several times in these verses he speaks...

Hedges and Hurt – Ecclesiastes 10:1-9

  For some time now, we have been looking at two books – both of which come from the pen of Solomon. It wasn’t intentional on my part, and we were into Ecclesiastes for a few weeks before I realized it. We must remember the penman is not important, because the true...

Folly Unfolded – Ecclesiastes 10:1-3

  In creative writing classes, teachers tell their students to write about things which they know personally. There comes the time that we must research things and report on them. But for the sake of a good story, personal experience is the best source of information....

Dead Lions and Living Dogs – Ecclesiastes 9:1-12

  Have you ever gone to the grocery store and gotten behind a family of six pushing two full grocery carts? There you are with your small basket hoping you’ve added things correctly so you’ve got enough cash. Finally the big family in front of you reaches...

Dead Dogs and Living Lions – Ecclesiastes 9

  Have you ever gone to the grocery store and gotten behind a family of six pushing two full grocery carts? There you are with your small basket hoping you’ve added things correctly so you’ve got enough cash. Finally the big family in front of you reaches...

The Battle in Corinth – II Corinthians 10:1-7

  When was last time you asked yourself: “What is my purpose in coming to church this morning? What do I hope to experience or gain? What will my presence add to the service? Will I be a blessing to someone? Will I be blessed?” A related question might be:...