Abram, the Warrior of God – Genesis 14:1-25

  Brother Fulton and I were chatting the other day, when he mentioned that he had enjoyed teaching through a passage full of genealogies. We agreed that if God put something into His Word it must be there for a reason. My Bible has about 1,300 pages, but it could be...

A Worthy Life – Ephesians 4:1-3

  A lot of people would give God permission to make them His children, if it guaranteed an eternal inheritance. Yet many of those same people would refuse God the right to direct that person’s life. But the right of creation creates a number of other rights for the...

The Blessing of the Holy Spirit – Romans 8:1-14

  It could be argued that this message is a continuation of our short series from I Peter 2:9-10. It is not, but the fact is, this does a consider another of the great blessings we have as Christians. As I said at least once during that series, it may take eternity...

One Christian’s Opinion of Zionism – Psalm 137:1-6

  I was recently handed a tract and asked to give my opinion about it. I was told to be frank and honest in my assessment – which I always try to be anyway. But my instructions included not pulling my punches or holding back – which sometimes I do. The tract dealt...

The Day of Gods’ Wrath – I Thessalonians 5:1-10

  This will be a rather unusual message – not for its content, but for its presentation. I almost worded that first statement – “This will be a very unorthodox message,” but that is not the case. “Unorthodox” means – “contrary to what is...

The Law of Christ – Galatians 6:1-2

  The Lord has a great many wonderful names and titles. Each of them reveal different aspects of His nature and His relationship to creation. Thousands of pastors and Bible teachers have taught through them – blessing their churches.. That is something I have...

Ministry as Illustrated in Philemon – Philemon 1-25

  There is a word in verse 6 which I will take as the spring board for our message this evening. In that word we have an opportunity to speak about the ministry – the human side of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Also in this short epistle, the Lord has revealed...

God’s Trumpet – I Thessalonians 1:4-10

  I have said recently that I have a dream where our church becomes somewhat like the church in Antioch. I admit that it is an ambitious dream. It’s perhaps not as ambitious as the dream being celebrated tomorrow. But why not? Why can’t we dream big if it is for the...

The Forty Days of Elijah – I Kings 19:1-15a

  Elijah was one of the truly great men of God. No one should try to deny this. At the end of his life “Elijah went up by a whirlwind into Heaven, and Elisha saw it.” Then about 920 years later there he was with Moses meeting with Christ Jesus at the...

The Forty Years of Moses – Acts 7:17-36

  According to some people’s numerology the Biblical number 40 refers to testing, trial or probation. 40 comes up 146 times in the Bible, and many of those references do point to testings and trials. For example, the twelve spies reconnoitered Canaan for forty days,...

The Ninety Days of Mary – Luke 1:26-39

  There are several instances where the Bible describes important or significant periods of time. Once in a while, because of special circumstances there are universal lessons in them. Last week we considered the seven days after Noah’s entrance into the ark before...

The Seven Days of Noah – Genesis 6:5-13; 7:1-10

  Was there or was there not a world-wide flood about 6,000 years ago? This is one of those watershed questions which have divided people for two centuries now. Religions divide over the answers to this question, and so do eminent scientists. Sociologists categorize...

What Seek Ye? – John 1:35-39

  These words are only the third recorded utterance of the Lord Jesus. The first came from a 12-year-old boy: “Wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” Oh, how I wish that all 12-year-olds would say – and mean – such words. If I had said...