Dec 2, 2019 | Sunday Evening
One of the problems, if not one of the actual tragedies of modern Christianity, is that sanctification and justification are taught as one and the same thing. “Justification” is one of the words that we use to talk about our salvation. Justification is the act...
Nov 25, 2019 | Sunday Evening
We ought to be appalled when we consider the heroes of the early 21st Century. With only a few exceptions in a few exceptional people – American heros are unworthy of recognition, let alone respect or adoration. And history proves: as people’s heroes go...
Nov 17, 2019 | Sunday Evening
There is an old, old proverb which says, “What is well begun is half done.” There is a lot of truth in that thought. A most important part of the large construction project is making sure that there is a good foundation. And similarly, even without adding the...
Oct 28, 2019 | Sunday Evening
This morning we looked at the somewhat unusual idea of the faithfulness of God. It is unusual only in that we have almost always skipped over those Biblical statements which declare it. It is strange to our ears, only because it is so much a part of the nature of...
Oct 20, 2019 | Sunday Evening
This afternoon I’d like to take a favorite children’s story and try to look at it from an adult’s perspective. Most kids raised in Sunday School know the story of Gideon. They know that he was a timid man, living in trying times, risking his life just to keep his...
Oct 7, 2019 | Sunday Evening
A church full of Pharisees could be a remarkable institution. Think about it. If every member was a true Pharisee, then every member would be in attendance at every service. They would all be on time and in their seats at precisely the top of the hour. It wouldn’t...
Sep 9, 2019 | Sunday Evening
Paul Azinger had for several years been a successful golfer in the Professional Golfers Association. Then after he won the 1993 PGA Championship he was diagnosed with cancer – Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. (Perhaps the ground’s keepers had been spraying too much Round-up...
Sep 2, 2019 | Sunday Evening
Have you seen or experienced any Satanic attacks lately? I believe you probably have whether or not you recognized them. That isn’t to say you actually saw Satan or even a demon, but you have been affected by them. And Satan himself is probably so busy that he...
Aug 12, 2019 | Sunday Evening
Along with the plain and simple, there are some strange and interesting things in these verses. For example, Paul “beseeches” us – that is certainly not unusual in itself. But we have to look hard to see about what it is he is beseeching us. He doesn’t...
Jul 22, 2019 | Sunday Evening
In verses 4, 5 and 6 David speaks of “the house of the Lord,” God’s “pavilion” and His “tabernacle.” Are these three things – or places – the same? Most commentators think that they are, and I agree. Well then, does David refer to...
Jul 15, 2019 | Sunday Evening
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could go to our medical professional, and he could deliver us from the penalty of our sins the way he might set a broken leg? If we could take a newly developed pill which could cure us of the effects of the curse of sin, we might be...
Jul 8, 2019 | Sunday Evening
We can’t be sure where exactly the healing of this lame man took place. Jerusalem, yes; the temple, yes. But I have seen dozens of depictions of the temple in Jerusalem, and they are all a little different. Nowhere else in the Bible are we told about the...
Jul 1, 2019 | Sunday Evening
Wednesday, when we were going over our prayer requests, I mentioned our need of revival. I immediately heard a few “amens” and some other heads were nodded – we need “revival.” “Revival” is a good, old-fashioned religious word,...
Jun 24, 2019 | Sunday Evening
I’d like to talk to you about the Lord’s work in Loveland, Colorado. Almost from the beginning, I have thought of that work as a mission of our church. But it is not something which our church has determined to do; it has just been my perception so far. I think that...
May 13, 2019 | Sunday Evening
It can be safely said that no Christian has a prayer life as deep, as spiritual and as thorough as it ought to be. Paul exhorted his friends in Thessalonica to “pray without ceasing” because they were not. But he probably wrote those words without...