Nehemiah – Nehemiah 1:1

This evening we are going to start a study of the Book of Nehemiah; something I’ve never done before. I promise that we’ll not look at every verse, because there are a lot of names and places which are no longer relevant to us today. I probably won’t even read them...

Biblical Geo-hydrology – Exodus 17:1-7; Numbers 20:1-13

My subject, like a few others recently, could be simply called “Life,” but that is not the title I am going to use. Let’s call this message “Biblical Geohydrology.” I thought at first, I was making up a new and powerful word, but alas, someone already coined it, and...

Marks of a Spiritual Christian – Ezekiel 36:24-27

If we took a survey using the question, “What is the best color to paint your car?” we’d get a lot of answers. But if we somehow were able to ask Henry Ford, he’d give us but one answer – “black!” And a century ago his answer would have been the right one – the only...

My Life – Philippians 1:12-24

I hope that you can see some similarities between these verses and the turmoil of life today. More importantly, I hope that you can see some parallels between Paul’s situation and attitude – and yours. Verse 12 – “I would ye should understand, brethren, that the...

Tomorrow – Proverbs 27:1

I was reading an article in the magazine “Israel My Glory” when I was reminded of something in the conflict between Moses and Pharaoh, King of Egypt. To be more precise, the conflict was between Jehovah and the gods of Egypt. Like all human beings, but perhaps to a...

On the Wings of a Dove – Psalm 55:1-7

The world of popular music has changed just a bit since I was a child. I grew up with Broadway show music and big bands – that was what my parents liked. Then I began to listen to classical music – Beethoven; Tchaikovsky; Mendelson and Rimsky-Korsakov. But many people...

Global Warming: Things to Remember – Genesis 9:8-17

The subjects of “Global Warming” and “Climate Change” are pervasive – they are everywhere. “Global warming” came up in conversation on Wednesday right here as the rain washed some snow off the church roof. It is on the news; it’s a part of the weather report; TV’s...

But Satan Hindered Us – I Thessalonians 2:13-20

As your pastor and the primary preacher/teacher here for 29 years – one of my fears is“tediousness.” For example, I often preach the gospel, but there are only so many ways in which it can be done, and I work hard not to say the same things in the same way all the...

Expectations – Romans 8:16-23

I’d like to talk to you tonight about “Expectations.” I almost preached this message last Sunday evening, but the Lord led me instead to “Patient Urgency.” And then this week this almost devolved into merely the introduction to a different message. If I go ahead with...

Patient Urgency – Acts 1:1-11

Have you ever known a married couple who were opposites or were very different from each other? She was 6’2,” and he was barely 5′ tall. He was extremely handsome while she was as plain as a wooden post. She loved her Bible, while he preferred his...

Silence in Heaven – Revelation 8:1-5

I believe in God’s sovereignty and His predestination of events – both human and divine. Amen? Do you believe that God has predestinated ALL things? Not so many “amens” for that statement? Most Christians are agreed that the Lord has predetermined the really big...

What Do Ye More than Others – Matthew 5:43-48

  One of the problems, if not one of the actual tragedies of modern Christianity, is that sanctification and justification are taught as one and the same thing. “Justification” is one of the words that we use to talk about our salvation. Justification is the act...

Men Who Didn’t Run – II Samuel 23:8-17

  We ought to be appalled when we consider the heroes of the early 21st Century. With only a few exceptions in a few exceptional people – American heros are unworthy of recognition, let alone respect or adoration. And history proves: as people’s heroes go...

Good Raw Material – I Samuel 16:14-19

There is an old, old proverb which says, “What is well begun is half done.”  There is a lot of truth in that thought.  A most important part of the large construction project is making sure that there is a good foundation.  And similarly, even without adding the...