July 2018

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Visitors This Month We had five new first time visitors this month as follows: Sierra McGee, Cory Hardy, Easton Stephens, Travis Barzee, and a young woman named Angel. There is a story that accompanies each of these individuals about which...

June 2018

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Visitors This Month Although no new visitors came this month, we had four repeat visitors whose names are as follows: Charlotte Renfrow; Jacob Mason and girlfriend, Macy; and Earl Oswalt. Pedro Garcia is the only new Mexican man with whom I...

May 2018

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Visitors in May The first Sunday in May the Lord sent us eight visitors! They were the relatives of Bro. Phillip McGee: his mother and stepfather, his brother Gary and his wife and family. Those relatives are members of two other churches of...

April 2018

Busy Month! Resurrection Sunday the Lord blessed us with 23 people present! Six come once a year for the Resurrection Day service. They are relatives of Bro. and Sister Gaches. Outside of our regular eleven attendees the rest were lost folks who haven’t come...

March 2018

Our Visitors! The Lord continues to bless us with visitors! This month we have had five first-time visitors of which one has continued to come back to our services. Bro. Phillip McGee came on a Thursday evening, our mid-week service hour, and has continued to come...

February 2018

An Update on Our Visitors! Another first-time visitor came this month, Denzil Gilmore! He is a freshman at Oklahoma State University and without a job at the present moment. Earl Oswalt continues to come sporadically as well as Jacob Mason. However, Jacob Mason was...

January 2018

Visitors Continue to Come! First-time visitors to come to our services in January are Earl Oswalt and Jacob Mason. Both have come twice and both have talked to Bro. Gaches and me about their need for a spiritual relationship with the Lord. Pray for them because they...

December 2017

Dear Pastor and Brethren: A Summary of 2017’s Activity This report is to inform all of our supporting churches of some of the blessings of the Lord upon this work that you all support with your money and prayers. Although I report these activities on a monthly...

November 2017 Report

More Visitors! We are happy to report the attendance of seven visitors this month of which two were first time visitors and the others return visitors. Mrs. Billie Barzee continues to attend the Sunday morning services regularly, and we are happy to have her visit...

October 2017

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Another New Visitor! Mrs. Alta Simpson began coming on the fifth of October and has visited with us since then two more times. She is an elderly lady and lives near the church building, so she has walked to each of the services. Roxanne and I...

September 2-17 Report

New Visitors! Dear Pastor and Brethren: The Lord has blessed us with five first time visitors this month! Billie Barzee came for the first time on Sunday morning Sept. 24th, and she has now attended three times, each on a Sunday morning. Brayden and Khloie Torres, two...

August 2017 Report

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Two Work Days Two photos are included in this report showing some of the work accomplished to spruce up our old building a little bit. One is a picture of the brethren standing on the new porch of the main entrance to our building. Bro. Dick...

July 2017

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Opportunities to Serve July has been an extra busy month for us because of the following opportunities to serve the Lord! On Thursday, the sixth of July, Bro. Austin Fulton was ordained into the full gospel ministry by Victory Baptist Church...

June 2017 Report

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Three Visitors in June! Friends of Bro. and Sis. Dick Gaches, Bob, and his wife Dana, visited with us from the state of Hawaii during a Thursday evening Bible Study. They come to visit their friends here in Stillwater about every seven years,...

May, 2017

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Special Meeting Preached! In April, Bro. Lindy Davis, pastor of Portland Baptist Church in Plumerville, Ar., called me and asked if I would be available to preach a series of five messages to Portland Baptist Churchy for their revival time....