Jan 20, 2015 | Books, Jesus Wept
From “And Jesus Wept,” by Pastor K. David Oldfield A Little Child Shall Lead Them Napoleon Bonaparte was at his greatest when leading his armies to victory: at Toulon, at Lodi, at Castiglione and many other places. He was not a great success in his own home, in...
Jan 20, 2015 | Books, Jesus Wept
From “And Jesus Wept,” by Pastor K. David Oldfield Agony 101 Pain was a way of life to the nation of Israel, as it may be with you. At times it just came naturally during their journeys in the wilderness, and then at other times, Israel dared God, through their...
Jan 19, 2015 | Books, Jesus Wept
From “And Jesus Wept,” by Pastor K. David Oldfield Somewhere Over the Rainbow Using your imagination, let us pretend that as a child you never learned how to ride a bicycle, but now for medical reasons, you’ve determined to give it a try. It might prove to be...