December 20

This a rather incidental note in Baptist history, but it is a part of a much more significant and, sadly, forgotten piece of American history. John William Jones was born in Virginia on September 25, 1836. He was born again as a teenager. In 1855 he entered the...

December 13

I don’t usually include “recent” Baptist history in these little vignettes, but today I’ll make an exception. On this day in 1870 Edward Pierce was born into a godly home in Gates County, North Carolina. At the age of sixteen, after the Lord saved him,...

December 6

Samuel Fletcher was born in Middlesex, Massachusetts in 1747. He was born again twenty years later, and in 1777, he began to preach the gospel of Christ whenever and wherever there was a need. He was ordained to the ministry on this day in 1781, and became the pastor...

November 29

The clerk of the Broadmead (Baptist) Church took his job very seriously, keeping an historical record of the ministry of the church along with the official records. He has told us that Pastors Thomas Ewins, Thomas Hardcastle and George Fownes were all imprisoned for...

November 15

In October 1822, Isaac McCoy, a Baptist missionary to the natives, entered the wild, wild west of what is now Michigan, preaching the Lord Jesus Christ. On this day in 1824 he baptized a number of Indian converts in the St. Joseph River. Soon, more and more whites...

November 8

Every professing Christian should be made aware of the persecutions which have been brought upon God’s saints. They began during the days of the Book of Acts, and they have continued to various degrees and strengths ever since. There have been the persecutions of the...

November 1

The Jersey Baptist Church in North Carolina was established, in part, through the early ministry of John Gano, sometime before the Revolutionary War. The church went through many ups and downs, when on this day in 1874 it called J. B. Richardson as its pastor. Over...

October 25

Thomas Waford and Allen Wyley lived in or near Culpeper County, Virginia, at about the time of the Revolutionary War. They were both Baptists, but neither considered himself a pastor, and neither was ordained, but they were willing to suffer along with their pastors...

October 18

Originally, the American colonies of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay were separate entities. Plymouth, first colonized by the Brownist and Anglican Pilgrims, was the southeastern corner of what is now Massachusetts. The two colonies merged in 1691. In a document dated...

October 11

I’ve never seen a book written by today’s subject. I live on the other side of the country from where he was born and have not visited his grave site. I may have read his name before, but it didn’t stick with me. Charles Augustus Stiles was born in 1836 near...

October 4

We learn from God’s word that Aquila was not an apostle or even an ordained preacher, but he and his wife, Priscilla, were much used of the Lord. Cephas Bennett, in 1804, was born into the family of Alfred Bennet, pastor of the Baptist church in Homer, New York....

September 27

William Carey is often said to be the first missionary of the modern era, but that may not be exactly true. Ten years before Carey sailed from England to India, George Leile, left the United States to plant a Baptist church in Jamaica. Furthermore, he and his Jamaican...

September 20

No two – or no three – servants of God are exactly the same in temperament and talents. Generally speaking, they have different gifts sovereignly dispensed by the grace of the Lord. For this reason some are considered by men as more “successful” than...

September 13

John Taylor Jones was born in New Ipswich, New Hampshire in 1802, and at the age of 15 he joined the Congregational church. After graduating from Amherst in 1825 he began to train for the ministry at Andover Seminary, but then he was confronted with the mode and...

September 6

Absalom Waller was the nephew of John Waller, known as “Swearing Jack Waller,” due to the pattern of his old life. Nephew Absalom, the eldest of six children, was raised under the preaching of the gospel, and when he was fourteen, was saved by the grace of...