August 12

The persecution with which the Jews tried to stifle the early Christians, provided the impetus for the scattering of God’s evangelists throughout the Mediterranean. The same thing occurred in North Carolina 1700 years later. The Colony of North Carolina had already...

August 5

William Wickenden was an elder in Rhode Island’s second Providence Church. He was a signator of the first compact of Rhode Island in 1637 and served as a member of the legislature. In 1655 he visited the Dutch colony of New Netherlands (New York), to preach the...

July 29

Baptists do not believe in receiving support from the State, but depending on the circumstances, and beyond praying for governmental leaders, they may support the State even in fiscal matters. In second half of the 16th century, Europe was ablaze with religious...

July 22

On this day (July 22) 1575 two men were carried from England’s Newgate prison to Smithfield where they were tied to stakes and burned to death. One was a husband with a wife and nine children and the other was married but as yet without a family. Their crime was...

July 15

As we have seen in these notes over the years, some of America’s Baptist churches have had unusual names. Imagine a visitor coming into your service. When you ask him about his spiritual condition he replies by saying that he is a Christian and a member of the Polecat...

July 8

On this day in 1663, after 12 years of lobbying, John Clarke, obtained a British charter which established Rhode Island as America’s first colony providing true freedom, including religious freedom. While many Baptists are aware of this fact, many are not aware of the...

July 1

During the mid 18th century the official state church of Norway and Denmark was Lutheran. King Christian VI had been sprinkled as a child and was called to defend Protestantism against the Catholics and others who might proselytize her members. Spiritually, he was...

June 24

Pastor David Jones served as a Baptist chaplain under General Horatio Gates. There was such a bond between the two men that when, on this day (June 24) 1798, there was a son born to pastor Jones, he named him Horatio Gates Jones. When Horatio was 21, he was born...

June 17

William Jones was born on this day (June 17) in 1762 in the country of Wales. Under the itinerant ministry of the Scottish Baptist, Archibald McLean, William, who had earlier apparently been born again, came to understand Baptist doctrine and was baptized in the Dee...

June 10

On this day in 1535, Charles V, Emperor of the unholy Roman Empire, issued a decree that Anabaptists – those who rebaptized believers, and who refused to recant of this act, would be put to death by fire. Also those who provided hospitality to these...

June 3

In the records of the men who were first responsible for the evangelism of India we find the following: “On June 3, 1784, at the Association of Nottingham, it was agreed to hold a prayer-meeting for the general spread of the gospel on the evening of the first...

May 27

Henry Dunster had been president of Harvard College before he came to understand the Biblical teaching about baptism, ie. only believers should be baptized and that by immersion. Dunster’s decision influenced others to consider the subject of baptism and also to...

May 20

After preparing this vignette, I’ve determined to read more of the books of Abraham Booth. Booth was born on this day (May 20) in 1734. The place was in Derbyshire, England. At the age of ten the Lord saved him from a life headed toward debauchery and hell. At the age...

May 13

It was the goal of the often revered Puritans to establish a society which governed its citizens from the cradle to the grave based upon what its leaders considered to be pure religious truth. They came to this country seeking freedom from the interference of others,...

May 6

C.H. Spurgeon loved to read and owned a library of over 12,000 volumes. Reading was not a hobby to Spurgeon, and it wasn’t for his recreation. He believed that it was essential toward the growth of the mind – and more particularly of the spirit. Beginning early in his...