Jun 24, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
History records many unusual events which ultimately lead to people’s salvation and the beginning of their service of Christ. We have one here today. Roger Holland was raised in the affluent home of Sir Robert Holland. Eventually the family fell on hard times, and...
Jun 17, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
On this day in 1768, a Baptist church was formed at Gorham, Massachusetts. Joseph Moody was called as pastor, but soon after his installment the tax assessors visited him, demanding that he pay the parish tax for the support of the Congregational state church. The tax...
Jun 10, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
In my reading of early Baptist history in this country, some names often come up – Shubal Sterns, Daniel Marshal, and John Gano, for example. But Joseph Breed is not usually one of them. The Great Awakening brought many true converts into the Congregational churches...
Jun 3, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
John Waller, a Virginian, was raised in the Episcopal denomination. It is said that he was a brilliant and well-educated student, but in subsequent the years he became somewhat dissipated, eventually earning the nickname “Swearing Jack Waller.” One day, as a member of...
May 27, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
George Pearcy, was born in the year 1813. He was raised in a Christian home and was born again while still a teenager. He yearned to be of service to his Saviour, but because his family was poor, he was unable to finish his education until he was thirty years old,...
May 20, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
John Comer was born in 1704; the place was Boston. His parents were Presbyterians, but an uncle on his mother’s side was a Baptist pastor. When Comer was a student at Yale, he fled Connecticut to escape yet another smallpox epidemic. The nearness of death was used by...
May 13, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
George Williams in his religious history of the Netherlands wrote, “Persecution of the Anabaptists in the southern Netherlands (Belgium) had been especially severe from the outset. In the period of our narrative the number of Belgium martyrs was about three thousand,...
May 7, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
Would you say that a person could be both a Christian and a Democrat? Should a Christian have fellowship with a believer who is a member of another political party? If you were an American patriot in 1776, could you have Christian fellowship with a Tory – a British...
Apr 29, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
James Barnett Taylor was born in England in 1804. His family moved the next year to New York City. At the age of 13, James was born again – he placed his faith in the sacrifice which Christ Jesus made on the cross. After that he was baptized and joined the First...
Apr 22, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
John Koontz died on this day in 1832. He was buried in a small family graveyard on a hill overlooking the Shenandoah river. Bro. Koontz was perhaps the first Baptist preacher to proclaim the gospel in what was then known as Shenandoah County, Virginia. His ministry...
Apr 16, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
The father of James Fife was an elder in an Edinburgh Presbyterian Church. When a baby was presented to the church for sprinkling, the pastor, knowing that the mother was not a Christian, questioned who would “sponsor” the child. This lead to an extended church...
Apr 8, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
We need to keep in mind that although we Baptists treasure the King James Bible, England’s King James was no lover of our doctrines or our forefathers. On this day in 1612, a year after the publication of the King’s Authorized Version of the Bible, Edward Wightman was...
Apr 1, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
Pablo Beeson was born on this day (April 4) in 1848 in a small village in Switzerland. His parents professed to believe the Word of God, but his father was a Protestant pastor. As a university student, preparing for the Presbyterian ministry, Pablo became an assistant...
Mar 25, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
When Jan Wouters van Kuijck was in prison, suffering horrible physical persecution and preparing for his execution because of his belief that salvation was a matter of personal faith in the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, he was able to write several letters and...
Mar 18, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
On this day in 1791, Elder Nathanael Green passed into the presence of his Saviour. Green had been pastor of the Baptist Church in Charlton, Massachusetts for 28 tumultuous years. The congregation went through periods of depression and blessing, including persecution...