The Proverbs of Solomon – Proverbs 31:1-9

Let’s entitle this message: “Lemuel and His Mom.” This is very different from the usual devotions we have been pulling from Proverbs thus far. In fact, there are no proverbs at all in these verses. And like the last chapter, these are not from the lips of Solomon –...

Hope Maketh Not Ashamed – Romans 5:1-8

I am currently reading a book entitled “Creating Christian Indians.” It was written by Bonnie Sue Lewis and was published 18 years ago by the University of Oklahoma. It describes the work of Presbyterian missionaries primarily among the Dakota Sioux and our own Nez...

February 9

Henry Havelock was not a pastor or missionary, but in the midst of doing other things he did represent his Saviour. Henry was born in 1795. His mother regularly gathered her six children together to read the Bible and pray, so he grew up with serious considerations...

The Proverbs of Solomon – Proverbs 30:24-28

As I said last week, our proverbist, is now in the midst of giving us groups of related thoughts. And just as we have skipped over many of Solomon’s proverbs, we won’t look at all of these. Our verses tonight bring me back to my childhood, when I loved collecting...

February 2

Benjamin Stinton is not a well-known name, but this man links together two others who were very well known both in their day and in ours. Benjamin was born in England on this day (Feb. 2) in 1676. Although blessed by the Lord with a sharp mind, he was not afforded the...

The Proverbs of Solomon – Proverbs 30:21-23

If a man who writes psalms is a “psalmist” is a man who writes or records proverbs a “proverbist”? Our proverbist, whether Solomon or Agur, is now in the midst of giving us groups of related thoughts. We won’t look at all of them – just the ones the Lord highlights...

Global Warming: Things to Remember – Genesis 9:8-17

The subjects of “Global Warming” and “Climate Change” are pervasive – they are everywhere. “Global warming” came up in conversation on Wednesday right here as the rain washed some snow off the church roof. It is on the news; it’s a part of the weather report; TV’s...

In His Time – Galatians 4:4-7

All of us know what it is to be late – late for an appointment; late for work; late for church. Some us know it more intimately than others. There are cultures where it is expected that people should to be late. Some people have linked the words...

December 2019

Dear Pastor and Brethren: A Brief Summary of the Blessings of 2019 With the prospects of a new year before us, I think it would be profitable to see a summary of the Lord’s blessings during the old year. During 2019 the Lord sent us thirty first-time visitors to our...

January 26

Britain’s “Act of Toleration,” enacted in 1689, ended a period of severe persecution against the Baptists in that country, but it did not provide all that Christ’s churches taught or deserved. While it was no longer compulsory to attend the services of the Church of...