Apr 19, 2020 | Sunday Morning
There are people who, knowing a little bit about the Bible, picture themselves as the descendants of Job. They have heard about some Bible character who lost everything, and they remember his unusual name. He had been at the top of the world in so many ways, but every...
Apr 16, 2020 | This Sunday in Baptist History
A. J. Gordon was born on his day (April 19) in 1836. His father was a deacon in the Baptist church in New Hampton, New Hampshire. Dad was named after the nineteenth century reformer John Calvin, but the son was given a name honoring the Baptist missionary Adoniram...
Apr 12, 2020 | Sunday Morning
This is arguably the most religious week of the calendar year. For the people of Israel, the Passover began last Thursday, and for most professing “Christians” today is Easter. Only the rest of the world – Muslims, Hindus and other unbelievers would argue with me. But...
Apr 9, 2020 | This Sunday in Baptist History
William Screven emigrated to Boston from England about the year 1668. There he became a successful merchant. He also became a Baptist, but at what point we do not know. When he tried to organize a Baptist church in Boston he was informed that it would be in violation...
Apr 6, 2020 | Sunday Evening
This short paragraph, written more than 2,000 years ago, is more appropriate than anything you read on the internet yesterday. Of course, we aren’t surprised, because this is the inspired Word of the eternal God. The Holy Spirit says, “Wisdom is good with an...
Apr 5, 2020 | Sunday Morning
According to the website “Worldometer.com” as of 7:10 this morning there are, or have been 311,656 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the United states, with 1,225,035 world-wide. It also points out that there have been 8,454 deaths in this country for this disease. Most...
Apr 2, 2020 | This Sunday in Baptist History
Benjamin Randall was set apart for the gospel ministry on this day in 1780, ten years after his conversion and after he joined the Baptist church in Portsmith, New Hampshire. Benjamin was born in 1749; the son of a sea captain; a member of a Congregational church....
Mar 30, 2020 | Sunday Evening
I hope that you can see some similarities between these verses and the turmoil of life today. More importantly, I hope that you can see some parallels between Paul’s situation and attitude – and yours. Verse 12 – “I would ye should understand, brethren, that the...
Mar 29, 2020 | Sunday Morning
Our country is in serious trouble – our world is in trouble. But it’s not so much the Covid-19 virus as it is our world’s sinful reaction to that virus and the hysteria surrounding it. Knowing that our God controls all things – great and small – Christians...
Mar 28, 2020 | Timothy Parrow
Much Sickness The sickness that began toward the end of January has continued throughout the month of February within the body of believers and visitors that attend our services. Roxanne and I thank the Lord for His goodness to us since up until now we have not had to...