Nehemiah’s God and Ours – Nehemiah 1:1-11

Every once in a while I pick up one of the books of the 18th century preacher, George MacDonald. Some of you might know him better for his works of fantasy or his Christian fiction, many of which have been edited by Michael Philips. But MacDonald considered himself,...

May 10

Alfred Bennett was born into a Christian home in Mansfield, Connecticut on September 26, 1780. Twenty years later he was born again and joined the Baptist church of that community. In 1802, after marrying the daughter of the church deacon, the couple moved to the...

Nehemiah – Nehemiah 1:1

This evening we are going to start a study of the Book of Nehemiah; something I’ve never done before. I promise that we’ll not look at every verse, because there are a lot of names and places which are no longer relevant to us today. I probably won’t even read them...

Rational Religion – Isaiah 1:1-20

A great many people in our world today think that the old, ancient religions are irrelevant? “In the light of modern scientific thought, we don’t need religions like Bible Christianity.” The people who say such things, think of themselves as intelligent; that they are...

May 3

John Mason Peck was the indefatigable missionary who first brought the gospel to much of the Mississippi valley. For more than 40 years prior to his death in 1858, he worked among the Indians and whites from Ohio to St. Louis. In 1822, while leading the First Baptist...

Biblical Geo-hydrology – Exodus 17:1-7; Numbers 20:1-13

My subject, like a few others recently, could be simply called “Life,” but that is not the title I am going to use. Let’s call this message “Biblical Geohydrology.” I thought at first, I was making up a new and powerful word, but alas, someone already coined it, and...

March 2020

March Madness No, I’m not talking about basketball games. I’m talking about what is going on with the leadership of our federal and state governments. Talk of war against an invisible force attacking us on all sides causing many casualties, and deaths, and...

April 26

We are greatly indebted to Edward Terrill, the clerk of the “Baptized Congregation” of Broadmead, Bristol, England who faithfully recorded the history of the church of which he was a member. The Broadmead church was founded in 1640. In 1651 Thomas Ewins was called to...

Marks of a Spiritual Christian – Ezekiel 36:24-27

If we took a survey using the question, “What is the best color to paint your car?” we’d get a lot of answers. But if we somehow were able to ask Henry Ford, he’d give us but one answer – “black!” And a century ago his answer would have been the right one – the only...