October 20

William Ward was born on this day in 1769.  In the spring of 1793, his cart got in front of his horse, so to speak.  Ward, who was living in Derby at that time, had become a printer.  One day William Carey providentially happened to come up beside the young man...

Prayer: Let’s Keep it Biblical – Matthew 6:9-15

Several years ago, in my reading, I heard an author utter three words on prayer without making any explanation or development. They struck me, so I jotted them down in my sermonic notebook, where they have been sitting ever since. Looking through that notebook on...

Faith and Force – I Samuel 17:45

Rarely, but once in a while, I preach from an outline which is not original to me. I purposed years ago, to be honest with you and to tell you when I feel led of the Lord to share another man’s message or outline. This is one of those occasions. I was blessed earlier...

Profound and Problematic – Psalm 9:1-10

I have no idea how many people in Central Florida are repeating the words of this Psalm today. David said, “I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will show forth all thy marvellous works.” The CHRISTIANS who have suffered through Hurricanes Helene and...

October 13

James Garnett was born in Culpeper County, Virginia, in 1792, but when he was a child the family moved to Kentucky. It was there he was born again, during his nineteenth year, and there he was baptized. When the Bullettsburg Baptist Church recognized God’s spiritual...

Influence, Testimony and Power – Job 38:25-32

Job had been struck down with disaster after disaster. He lost his wealth and his health; his children were killed and his wife, in her pain, had turned against him. He has been used by psychologists to illustrate the various stages of grief. At first he was...

Is Anything too Hard for the Lord? – I Samuel 2:1-10

Like you, I have seen images and heard about what Hurricane Helene has done up and down the East Coast.  But I admit that my heart is still filled with the images and experiences I had in Canada two weeks ago.  Not only have we heard about destruction and devastation,...

October 6

This is a somewhat backhanded piece of Baptist history, as you will see. Eugenio Kincaid was born into a Presbyterian home in Wetherfield, Connecticut, but in his youth the family moved to Pennsylvania. There, under the preaching of a Baptist evangelist, the young man...

Know Me: I am God – Psalm 46:10

Perhaps II John 4 and III John 4 don’t apply to me as directly as they did the Apostle John, but I’ll still use them. The Apostle wrote two separate letters in which he said in one: “I have NO GREATER JOY than to hear that MY children walk in truth.” And earlier he...

August 2024

Dear Pastor and Brethren We are having a drought here in Oklahoma with temperatures often in the hundreds. Please pray with us for rain as well as for spiritual blessings. Only the Lord can provide these needs for us. On the 4th of the month we had two of Bro. Jose...