Nov 22, 2020 | Sunday Morning
In order to get to this morning’s lesson, we have to look at two background items. As you know, Nehemiah is one of the Bible’s historical books; it is not poetry or prophesy. Yet despite being history, like Acts, for example – it is filled with the application of...
Nov 21, 2020 | Timothy Parrow
Dear Pastor and Brethren: A Slow Uneventful Month The month of October was a slow month with little activity other than normal services. The two ladies who visited twice, Denise Park and Kelly Swanson, have not returned at all to our services. We have had a more than...
Nov 19, 2020 | This Sunday in Baptist History
On this day (Nov. 22) in 1755 sixteen Baptists, originally from New England, formed the Sandy Creek Baptist church in what is now northern North Carolina. The church immediately called Brother Shubal Sterns to become their under shepherd and leader. With the blessing...
Nov 15, 2020 | Sunday Morning
Let’s begin this morning with a little quiz. If I gave you a piece of paper and asked you to write Mark 15:38, how would you spell the word “veil”? The verse reads, “And the VEIL of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.” Would you spell it“veil,” or...
Nov 12, 2020 | This Sunday in Baptist History
More than eight thousand people attended the funeral service of William Knibb who died of yellow fever on this day (Nov. 15) in 1845. Bro. Knibb served as one of the first Baptist missionaries in Jamaica. When he first reached his field, he was shocked at what he...
Nov 9, 2020 | Sunday Evening
As Paul was beginning to bring his Epistle to the Romans to a close, he commented – “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning…” If we were to paraphrase Romans 15:4 we might say “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were...
Nov 8, 2020 | Sunday Morning
One of the blessings of the Book of Acts is that it is practical. In reading Acts we can see the work of the Lord in ways that relate more directly to us than when we study some of the other books of the Bible. For example, we know the abstract principle that God is...
Nov 5, 2020 | This Sunday in Baptist History
The Cloughfold Baptist Church in England had its beginning in 1692 when two cousins, David Crossley and William Mitchel wanted to establish a “Protestant Dissenters” congregation. David Crossley was raised by a godly aunt and trusted Christ for his salvation before he...