February 21

Most of the first immigrants to this continent brought with them the politics and religions of their homelands. As a result, with only a few exceptions, most of the first thirteen colonies authorized a single denomination and practiced something called “a clergy tax,”...

The Language of Heaven – Isaiah 6:1-8

When we get to Heaven; after appearing before the bema – the judgment seat of Christ…. After we settled in to our God-designed mansions… As we get to know our neighbors, and we begin our Heavenly duties… How will we communicate with those around us....

Surprise! You are in Heaven! – I John 5:10-20

  Let’s say that some friends of yours has paid for you to go to a fancy restaurant with your spouse. This is a very nice, highly recommended, place to which you had never been before. Let’s make it an ethnic restaurant where nothing on the menu was familiar to...

February 14

It is believed by some that the Apostle Paul personally carried the gospel to the isle of Britain. Whether true or not, Bible Christianity was firmly established among the peoples of those islands long before the arrival of Catholicism. One area where the Baptists...

February 14

It is believed by some that the Apostle Paul personally carried the gospel to the isle of Britain. Whether true or not, Bible Christianity was firmly established among the peoples of those islands long before the arrival of Catholicism. One area where the Baptists...

The Burning Bush – Exodus 3:1-10

I assume you all know how the Lord revealed Himself to Moses through the burning bush. My wife, like so many other Sunday School teachers, has flannel graph illustrations, which I have no doubt she has shared with many of our children. And there are references to this...

Is it an Elephant or is it Salvation? – Isaiah 12:1-6

If you’ve never heard the ancient Indian story about the blind men and the elephant, I will correct your lack of education right now. A group of blind men were told that a strange animal, called an “elephant,” had been brought to their town. Not only had they never...

Feburary 7

Jonathan Goble is not a well-known name, but it should be. Goble and his wife were the first Baptist missionaries in Japan. Jonathan was born in 1827. He rejected his religious upbringing and ended up in prison for two years for threatening the life of another man....

What is Man’s Ultimate Purpose? – Genesis 1:26-31

As I was thinking about a possible message from I Cor.15, I wondered if perhaps some background might be in order. And then my mind wandered back to a chapter in the book I am currently reading – “The Essential Tozer Collection.” A.W. Tozer was a minister of the...

O Lord, Consider my Meditation – I Timothy 4:6-16

I have been in God’s service and ministry for over 50 years. I say that without the least bit of pride, because I know that I am here only by God’s grace. And I am constantly discovering my ministerial failures. I could give you a litany of those failures, but even in...