Jul 17, 2022 | Sunday Morning
Before he became a supervisor, our son Kraig worked directly with various forms of nuclear waste. He was employed at the Hanford Nuclear site in Washington State and then at the Oakridge facility in Tennessee. Between those jobs, he was at the Savanna River Facility...
Jul 14, 2022 | This Sunday in Baptist History
David George was born a slave in 1742. At some point another slave began to witness to him of the grace of God, and he came under deep conviction. Eventually, repenting of sin and putting his trust in Christ Jesus for deliverance and forgiveness, he became a child of...
Jul 11, 2022 | Sunday Evening
The Bible describes life in a number of ways. James says that it is a vapour, a puff of steam, “that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away.” David, approaching his earthly end, described his life as nothing more substantial than a passing shadow. Job...
Jul 7, 2022 | This Sunday in Baptist History
Edmond Botsford was born again under the ministry of Oliver Hart of Charleston, South Carolina. In March, 1773, he was ordained and shortly thereafter he began an itinerant ministry, preaching throughout the Carolinas and Georgia. On this day in that year (1773) he...
Jul 1, 2022 | This Sunday in Baptist History
Zachary Lewis immigrated from Wales to America in 1692, settling in Virginia. There he became quite prosperous. Like most of his neighbors, Zachary was an Anglican, and he brought up his seven children in this religion. The youngest child of the family was Addison....
Jun 27, 2022 | Sunday Evening
How odd should the people of God be in the eyes of the world? Some might criticize my use of the word “odd,” but note that I am using it in the context of the unsaved mind. We might prefer the word “peculiar,” but we know it in its Biblical context, whereas the world...
Jun 26, 2022 | Sunday Morning
Peter, was probably on high alert as he walked beside the Lord Jesus that day. It was dangerous for Christ and His disciples to be in Jerusalem. Just a day or two before, Jesus had been confronted by a group of Pharisees, escorting a woman who had been taken in...