Nov 20, 2022 | Sunday Evening
Luke 24 describes Jesus’ first visit with His church after the resurrection. He had already revealed Himself to Mary at the tomb, and He had met the 2 disciples on the Emmaus Road. But this was His first appearance before the assembled church. The members were...
Nov 19, 2022 | Scott Silvers
Greetings in Jesus’ Name, Fall has finally arrived for us here in Smithville, Oklahoma. It was an extremely hot, dry summer but the winds have changed and as I write this letter it is much cooler and the Lord has sent us some much needed rain. Our God displays...
Nov 19, 2022 | Frank Tottingham
Dear Pastor and Church The Lord gives the increase! In August I received the following text from a Pastor in the Philippines. “Hello, Pastor Tottingham! This Bro. Javier of Bible Way Baptist Church, Cubao, Metro Manila, Philippines. I send this message just to...
Nov 19, 2022 | Timothy Parrow
Dear Pastor and Brethren Autumn Analysis We are in the autumn of our year; many of us are in the autumn of our lives, and many are yet unconverted or the Lord would return. We look and labor for our Lord’s return. Despite all the theories about the timing of our...
Nov 17, 2022 | This Sunday in Baptist History
1527 was, in many ways, not a good year for the Anabaptists of Europe. George Wagner, of Emmerich, Germany, was charged with the crime that he did not believe that water baptism possessed any saving power. He was bound and thrown into a bonfire on February 8. Melchior...
Nov 14, 2022 | Sunday Evening
Back in chapter 1, Peter introduced himself to his readers using the word “apostle.” He was an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ; one of those to whom Christ gave that special title in Luke 6. “And it came to pass in those days that (Jesus) went out into a...
Nov 13, 2022 | Sunday Morning
You and your friend have just entered the newest Italian restaurant in town. It looks like you have just stepped back into 19th century Italy. The menus are well-designed with fancy lettering and a few illustrations, but no pictures of the food. You are not an expert...
Nov 6, 2022 | Sunday Morning
I will begin with a horrible illustration, which I pray will never take place in any of our lives. Your family doctor thinks you have a rare, fatal medical condition, and he gives you several options. You decide to attack this disease head-on with the latest and best...