January 23, 2023

  Even though 2023 is just beginning God has been faithful and so good to us. We will have our first Bible study on January 27th and I will be casting our vision to our attendees that night. Please pray as we invite as many people as we can to this study. Our...

January 22

The Charlotte Baptist Chapel was founded in Edinburgh, Scotland about 1800. Christopher Anderson, who had been saved under the ministry of Robert and James Haldane, became the first pastor. The Holy Spirit abundantly blessed his ministry, and soon there were between...

Eliezer the Evangelist – Genesis 24:1-9

This is a fascinating chapter for anyone who loves the word of God. There are a great many things here, most of which I don’t have time to address. But I will ramble just a bit to point out several things about the world in which Abraham lived. It reveals things found...

The Sacrifice of Faith – Genesis 22:1-19

In the past, I have joined thousands of others, preaching this chapter as a gospel message. But that is not my intention this afternoon. We are in the midst of a series of lessons entitled: “Practical Faith.” If you are like me, we need to learn to take what we know...

January 15

On this day in 1549 a woman we know only as Elizabeth was arrested for possessing a Latin New Testament. For some reason, her trial was recorded and preserved. Many questions related to Catholicism were asked, such as, “What do you think of the most holy sacrament?...

Following God’s Dream – Genesis 12:1-4

What is your definition of faith? Google defines it as “complete trust or confidence in someone or something.” Does that summarize your definition? It’s not bad, but now consider what Noah Webster says. Two hundred years ago, faith was: “Belief; the assent of the mind...

Noah, the Church Planter – Genesis 6:5-18 (Hebrews 11:7)

As Christians we have been taught by God’s grace to put our faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. Perhaps there was a period of time when we knew that Jesus’ death was the means of salvation, but that knowledge had not yet been translated into true faith...

Pharaoh’s Fatal Flaw – Exodus 4:29- 5:2

Something of which we need to remind ourselves is that the Bible is permeated with historical facts. The events of which we read in the Old Testament actually occurred. They are not religious fables. Yes, we read of miracles and many other things hard to believe or...

January 8

Jesse Vawter was born to Anglican parents in Culpepper County, Virginia in 1755. When he was nineteen he heard Thomas Ammon preach the gospel, and the Lord regenerated his soul. Jesse then joined the hated and persecuted Baptists through whom he met his Saviour. There...

Lord, Increase our Faith – Matthew 17:14-21

Evidence suggests that during our Lord’s earthly ministry, Peter, James and John were His foremost disciples. They certainly got the most face time with the Saviour – the most ink; the most personal counseling and the most rebuke. In the first part of this chapter,...