Why Me, Lord? – Luke 7:36-50

This morning I feel like Peter stepping out of a boat, in a boisterous storm, in order to walk toward Lord Jesus. This is dangerous, but blessed, territory. I may drown without the Lord’s protection. I’m leaving a place of safety entering into a storm, because,...

January 5

Some of our brethren, confused by the current popularity of the Reformed Baptists, claim that Protestantism has always been friendly toward the Baptists and their predecessors. History proves otherwise. For example, Felix Manz was born an illegitimate son of a Roman...

Love Unseen – I Peter 1:1-9

Every week, an Australian missionary friend of ours, Frank Tottingham, emails an article he has written. I think he sends them out on his Monday morning, but I get it on Sunday night. The one I received three days ago, led me toward these few thoughts this evening....

Time shall be No More – Revelation 10:1-6

Have you ever heard anyone say that in eternity – time shall be no more? Please turn to Revelation 22:1-7 with its picture of Heaven – “And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst...

November 2024

Dear Pastor and Brethren: For the Sundays of the tenth, the seventeenth, and the twenty-fourth of this month we had the following attendance: 9, 7, and eight. The Sunday of the third of November I was sick and could not attend the service. Bro. Gaches, who does the...

December 29 in Baptist History

Philip Bliss should be a familiar name to Christians today, because our hymnals are filled with his songs.  He was raised in a farm home where the Word of God was respected and music filled the evenings.  In his twelve year, he was converted and joined the Baptist...

Incarnation, Regeneration and Correlation – Matthew 1:18-21

The title of our lesson this evening is: “Incarnation, Regeneration and Correlation.” In order to tie things together I have distributed a sheet of paper to the people here in our auditorium. Those of you who are watching on line, or are hearing this through...

That I may Know to Know – I John 5:18-20

I am going to piggyback these few thoughts onto last Wednesday’s lesson. The title of our last message was: “New Testament Teaching the Old Testament Way.” I tried to apply some of the Hebrew words which speak about teaching Bible truths. This afternoon, let’s think...

December 22 in Baptist History

On the fifty-first birthday of Adoniram Judson, another eventual missionary was born in Carleton County, Ontario. In his fifteenth year John McLaurin was saved by God’s grace, and at the age of twenty-two he was called into the ministry, entering Woodstock Institute...

New Testament Teaching the Old Testament Way – Acts 18:1-11

When Paul traveled from Athens to Corinth carrying the gospel, he went straight into the synagogue. He testified to the Jews that Jesus was the Messiah that Israel had been expecting for centuries. But the people rebelled against that truth and the Spirit’s conviction...