Faith of the Stolen Spear – I Samuel 24:1-7

Generally speaking, all of our lessons thus far have been positive. Noah needed faith to trust the Lord’s revelation and to build the ark. By faith he completed the Lord’s will. Moses and Joshua needed faith to move forward, trusting God to across uncharted waters....

Gargantuan Faith – I Samuel 17:41-50

The Bible which I use and study is a King James Version with notes edited by Frank Charles Thompson. It is called a “Thompson Chain Reference Bible.” I have used it for nearly fifty years. It isn’t perfect, so I also employ other tools, but I like it and don’t see...

The Vindication of the Gospel – Acts 4:4-10

I would like to highlight the word “vindication” today. The title of this message is “Vindication of the Gospel.” Let’s pretend that in the course of this message, I tell you that I am the reincarnation of the prophet Elisha. I am the Elisha of the Old Testament...

February 12

Henry Novotny was born in 1846. The place was Resetov, Czechoslovakia. At that time the official religion was Roman Catholic, but there were still a few Protestants meeting in various secret places. Somehow, young Henry visited one of those illegal meetings where he...

A Friend of Faith – I Samuel 14:6-14

There are adrenalin junkies who climb sheer cliffs and rock walls for the thrill of accomplishment. And there are more rational people who do it because it has to be done. Sometimes the beaches of Normandy have to be assaulted, because there is no other way to...

Gibeon’s Fleece – Joshua 9:3-27

  This evening in our on-going study of practical faith, we are going to look at Judges 6 and Gideon’s fleece. It should be a lesson about the clash between faith and unbelief, with the winner being a very weak faith. Gideon was unsure about the will of the Lord,...

February 5

David Jones died on this day in 1820 at the age of 84. He was an amazing man with an amazing story. His family was Welsh, and he was saved by God’s grace in an American church where that was the spoken language. He attended the first Baptist school in this country,...

Got any Rivers? – Joshua 3:14-17

We have in our song books, a hymn with the shortened title: “Got any Rivers?” The lyrics ask: “Got any rivers you think are uncrossable? Got any mountains you can’t tunnel through? God specializes in things thought impossible; He does the things no one else can do....

Rahab – Change in Citizenship – Joshua 2:1, 8-15

Joshua chapter 2 is one of the most captivating passages in all the Word of God. It appeals to the imagination, to the heart, and to the faith of the child of God. It appeals to Christians; to Hollywood script writers; to children; to virtually everyone. It’s my...