The City at the Top of the Hill – Psalm 48:1-14

I have been using this particular Bible for decades. I may have had it even before I moved here in 1990. As I’ve told you before it is a Thompson Chain edition of our old King James. I don’t know anything about Mr. Thompson, but I would guess that he was a fundamental...

Ye are the Salt of the Earth – Matthew 5:1-16

It must be remembered that this Sermon on the Mount was delivered by Christ to His disciples. This was a sermon to Christians – believers – those already redeemed. It was not shared as a gospel message with instructions for the salvation of the wicked. This isn’t a...

Christ the Door 

If you have a computer, and if you use email, then from time to time you get spam advertisements.  I got one of those, trying to entice me to buy someone’s specialty mats to put at our front door.  Their gimmick was in the interesting logo’s printed on them.  The...

May 14

Evan Jones was born on this day in 1789. We don’t have any information on when he was born again. In 1821, after he moved from England to this country, he and his wife began a ministry as missionaries to the Cherokee Indians in North Carolina. For ten years prior to...

Selah – Psalm 46:1-11

Three times in this Psalm, God’s penman uses the word “selah.” That word is found 77 times in the Bible, with all of them in the Psalms except for twice in Habakkuk. Only once is it ever used other than at the end of a verse, and most of the time it marks the end of a...

Faith’s Joy – Isaiah 12:1-6

History has recorded a letter which the Athenian philosopher Aristides wrote to the Roman Emperor Hadrian. Hadrian died in 138 AD, so this letter was written around the beginning of the second century. Aristides, describing the Christians he had observed, wrote:...

May 7

Elias Morris was born into a family of slaves on this day in 1855. At the close of the Civil War, his parents moved from Georgia to Tennessee and then on to Alabama. There Elias learned the shoemaking trade, and his natural organizational skills resulted in turning...

Heavenly Rewards – Philippians 3:12-14

  I mentioned a couple weeks ago that the Judgment Seat of Christ has come up twice in my personal reading. Since then, I have been thinking quite a bit about the Lord’s judgment of the Christian. For example, things I have taught and other books and lessons on...

March 2023

Dear Pastor and Brethren, We are very happy to announce that Sis. Kim Williams joined Victory Baptist Mission on the 5th of March, Sunday morning! She comes by letter from a church in Virginia of like precious faith called Maranatha Baptist Church whose pastor is Bro....

Ministerial Faith – Acts 16:31

How important is faith to the work of the ministry? To put that question another way: what relationship does faith have to what we are doing tonight? Here we are taking another look into the Word of God. That is always a good and profitable thing. We are here with a...