Signs of Life (Sacrifice) – Romans 12:1

According to IRMI, a risk management company which works with industrial insurance companies, about 100 years ago, 80% of the US population was involved in some aspect of farming. Today, it is 2%. And today, the average farm size is 434 acres, but 55% of all US farms...

Pleading with God – Matthew 15:21-28

After the Lord put this scripture on my heart, I became concerned that you might have heard a lesson on this Syrophoenician woman recently. I knew that Brother Fulton referred to her as part of a recent message dealing with the “Son of David.” But I was fearful that...

June 25

Most people have heard about the infamous, 1692, witchcraft trials of Salem Massachusetts. Two, often highly respected names, Increase Mather and his son Cotton, were at the epicenter of that horrible travesty. “If a woman was seen to gather herbs to boil, she was...

June 18

I am told that the Severns Valley was blessed to have the first Baptist Church in what was to become Kentucky. It was established on this day (June 18) in 1781 between today’s Louisville and Elizabethtown. Eighteen rough frontiersmen and women constituted the original...

How to Get God’s Work Done – I Samuel 17:45

I make no apology for bringing another lesson from the battle between David and Goliath. There is so much to learn from this event, and I continue to see new things in it. For this lesson, I’m going to assume that you are familiar with the basics. Let’s briefly...

Satan in Christ’s Church – Acts 5:1-11

I read a comment the other day and the Holy Spirit said, “You need to consider that for a message.” So I have. The comment was made by that man from India to whom I have referred several times recently. He wrote: “My hosts in a Southern (American) city…...

David’s Three Steps  –  Psalm 4:1-5

In October, 1987, Walter Wyatt got into his Beechcraft airplane and took off from the Nassau airport.  Even though thieves had stolen his navigation equipment the night before, he felt confident that he could make the hour long flight to Miami, and there he would file...

June 11

Hervey Jenks was the son of Godly parents. But like so many others, he grew up with his father’s religion, but not his Saviour. With plans to become a lawyer, he began attending Brown University, America’s first Baptist school of higher education. During his final...

Faith Casting – Ecclesiastes 11:1-6

I briefly shared this scripture with the men last Saturday morning, but I didn’t develop it very far. It hadn’t developed in my heart very far. But the Spirit has kept it on my mind, and now I hope there might be a blessing in it for all of us. For those of you who...

The Heart of the Gospel – II Corinthians 5:18-21

It is said that for several years, while the Roman Colosseum was under construction, that thousands of people throughout the city were starving. There was very little grain and other foods grown locally, and most of that went to the wealthy. For years Egypt had been...