A Strange and Unexpected Friend – Philippians 1:20-24

If you don’t know already, pastors are human – afflicted with some of the same maladies as you. We not only get colds, in-grown toe nails, and fatigue, but we have some of our own peculiar problems. But three pastoral pestilences, which can infect any of us, include...

Jesus and His People – Matthew 1:21

The Jews, both ancient and modern, have had a problem in saying or writing “Jehovah” – the name of God. Some called it “the ineffable Name” – the unutterable, inexpressible and unspeakable name of God. Instead of writing it out, they often abbreviate it into four...

November 12

John Bunyan had been married for several years, and that dear lady gave him four children, including one blind little girl. Three years after his wife’s death, he married Elizabeth. She willingly took on the responsibility of loving and caring for the Bunyan children,...

What is an Effectual Fervent Prayer? – James 5:16-18

As James concludes his epistle, he exhorts us to “pray for one another.” Coming in chapter 5 instead of chapter 1, should we conclude that this is some sort of afterthought? Is this: “Oh, by the way I think it would be good if you prayed for one another?” As taught by...

Judicial Pickin’ n Choosin’ – Exodus 20:1-17

Let’s say that you and your neighbor are chatting one day. He knows that you are a Christian. You have shared your testimony with him on several occasions and invited him to church. But, as he has said that “he is satisfied with his religion.” You know that he was...

The Lawful Use of the Law – I Timothy 1:8 (1:1-11)

I plan to use both messages today to consider the subject of “the law.” My subject is not the United States Constitution or the 200,000 pages of the Code of Federal regulations. There is a message in those two documents, but as I say, that is not my theme. I will...

November 5

On this day in 1855 William Bagby was born. He was born again under the ministry of the pioneer Texas Baptist, Rufus Burleson, and he was educated under the ministry of B.H. Carroll. In January 1881, Brother Bagby and his wife sailed from Baltimore toward the Bay of...

Saved Through Their Word – John 17:20

John 17 is one of the Bible’s holiest chapters. It rivals or surpasses any of the Psalms. That is because we get to overhear a conversation within the Godhead – the Son speaking to the Father. This is not the prayer of a godly saved person, like David, speaking with...

September 2023

Dear Pastor and Brethren: More Visitors Natasha, who is studying veterinary medicine at OSU, and Jeff, from California, an old friend of Bro. Gaches, and Ally, the lady friend of Bro. Hunter Northern all came at least once this month to visit with us. Of them all,...

October 29

William Harris most likely would not be called “a great preacher.” He wasn’t an orator, or filled with lots of education, or even blessed with a good imagination. But he was always close to his Saviour, and he was blessed with the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Brother...