September 2023

Dear Pastor and Brethren: More Visitors Natasha, who is studying veterinary medicine at OSU, and Jeff, from California, an old friend of Bro. Gaches, and Ally, the lady friend of Bro. Hunter Northern all came at least once this month to visit with us. Of them all,...

October 29

William Harris most likely would not be called “a great preacher.” He wasn’t an orator, or filled with lots of education, or even blessed with a good imagination. But he was always close to his Saviour, and he was blessed with the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Brother...

Basel Cell Carcinoma – James 5:13-16

Let’s pretend you wake up one spring morning, feeling a slight itch on your right forearm. Looking down you see a small spot and think that while working in the garden the day before, you got poked by a raspberry or rose bush, or maybe it is a bug bite. Six months...

Effects of Eschatological Thinking – Philippians 4:4-9

I’m going to come very close to breaking one of my personal, homiletical rules. “Homiletics,” by the way, is a fancy word for sermon preparation and preaching. I really dislike it when I hear preachers read a scripture to begin a sermon and then never return to it. I...

September 2023

Dear Pastor and Brethren: More Visitors              Natasha, who is studying veterinary medicine at OSU, and Jeff, from California, an old friend of Bro. Gaches, and Ally, the lady friend of Bro. Hunter Northern all came at least once this month to visit with us. Of...

October 22

The Lord blessed the United States in the late 18th century with souls saved and multitudes turning directly to the Bible for their spiritual direction rather than listening to their Protestant preachers. In New England hundreds, if not thousands, of members of...

Pushing Through – Philippians 3:13-14

I was talking to our missionary Tim Parrow the other day when he mentioned that one of their church people hasn’t been in the services for several weeks – it may have been as many as six weeks. There hasn’t been any problem with the church. It appears that the...

The Rock of Ages – Isaiah 26:1-4

Last Sunday, Brother Haug gave us a heart-warming rendition of Augustus Toplady’s hymn “Rock of Ages.” Some people claim that “Rock of Ages” is the number one best and most popular hymn in Christendom. Some make it equal to “Amazing Grace” – which has far less of a...

Freed from Sin – Romans 6:17-23

When I was child, my parents, like thousands others, were terrified by an epidemic which was sweeping world. COVID hadn’t been invented yet, and the Spanish flu had run its course, but this was just as frightening. I remember, shortly after moving to Denver, my sister...

October 15

On this day in 1774, Benjamin Cole became the second, full-time pastor of the Hopewell Baptist Church in western New Jersey. Its earliest preachers were all itinerant visitors, but God blessed, souls were saved and a church was established. In fact, Hopewell was one...