Sowing Bad Seed – Proverbs 6:16-19

This evening we will return to the short series, which this week, I entitled: “Sins among the Saints.” Many people in our quasi-Christian world think “saints” are sinless people, but true Christians know better. “Saints” are nothing more than sinners whom the Lord has...

Spiritual Recovery – Revelation 5:6-10

I’d like to start this morning by trying to paint a picture. Despite being common, I hope it will never be true of you, even though I’m painting you into the foreground. Your car has quit. You have no savings. You can’t afford to buy another vehicle. Sadly, because of...

January 28

You have heard me speak of Shubal Stearns several times. That man was born on this day in 1745. He was raised in the Congregational religion, but he was saved through the influence of the one-eyed, Anglican Methodist, George Whitefield. Eventually he came to...

The God to Whom We Pray – I Timothy 6:13-16

In a few minutes we will be going to prayer. Once in a while, when we do that, we need to ask ourselves: “To whom is it that I am praying?” There are millions of people praying to deities which aren’t deities at all – they are idols, ideas or ideologies. So we need to...

Our Worldly Context – John 17:15-18

We have probably all heard that “Christians are people living IN the world, but they are not OF the world.” As parts of speech, in this statement, the word’s “in” and “of” are prepositions. In the English language there are about 70 different prepositions. They are...

December 2023

Dear Pastor and Brethren, From time to time, the Lord places us under physical circumstances that overcome us.  Since the day after Thanksgiving until now we have been sick with some type of respiratory infection that does not seem to follow any of the declared...

January 21

On this day in 1788, four ministers met together at the Baptist church in Northamptonshire, England, for a day of prayer and fasting.  They shared a longing for God’s glory in themselves, in their ministries and throughout the world.  John Ryland, recorded the events...

Ethical Anger – Ephesians 4:26-27

After last week’s thrilling message on the Christian sin of worry, I decided to take another step into dark side. Let’s think about the common sins of anger. In addition to its evils, let’s try to consider, at least in part, some of the benefits of anger. Is...

They Made Light of It – Matthew 22:1-14

I am approaching this morning’s sermon with a bit of trepidation – with a bit of concern. As always, I want to get it right and to give you the truth, but sometimes I have less confidence than usual. There are two reasons for my concern this morning: First, this is a...

January 14

John Picket was born on this day in 1744. As a young man he became addicted to pleasure, sports and gaming of every kind. Becoming a dancing instructor, and in pursuit of that vocation, he moved from Virginia to Pee Dee, North Carolina. In his new home he came under...